자유게시판 FreeStyle

i canna understand why ppl r prone to exsolve apple"s ignorant product
called as ipad which useless clearly since it is with mobile OS limits
the user experiences over root permission thereafter needed to be jailbroken
touch interface is good nuff for the emancipation of equipments complex
after it is for limited mobile OS based tablet not nuff for work we accustomed to call it as this name
i spend to much time to access to the root directories in mobile OS
through a lot of protect and i gonna be relieved ipad of limitation of the permission
when i have an ipad like other apple product consumers
i gonna get macbook air because of iphone, and it aids me from work simultaneously
that work is finding information in the web and write the documents
but mobile browsers sound like bitch"s b*** for me, a power user, yet.

why i donna wanna have an ipad

i canna understand why ppl r prone to exsolve apple¥"s ignorant product
called as ipad which useless clearly since it is with mobile OS limits
the user experiences over root permission thereafter needed to be jailbroken
touch interface is good nuff for the emancipation of equipments complex
after it is for limited mobile OS based tablet not nuff for work we accustomed to call it as this name
i spend to much time to access to the root directories in mobile OS
through a lot of protect and i gonna be relieved ipad of limitation of the permission
when i have an ipad like other apple product consumers
i gonna get macbook air because of iphone, and it aids me from work simultaneously
that work is finding information in the web and write the documents
but mobile browsers sound like bitch¥"s b*** for me, a power user, yet.

TOTAL: 33830

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