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3D printing enthusiasts use3D printer filamentto create innovative designs. Most users use rigid plastics, such as PLA filament and ABS filament, that have the right properties for their project.


However, with the introduction of a new class of flexible filaments liketpu filament, it brings unique properties to 3D printing that were not available in the past.

Materials such asPLA filamentor ABS filament have low abrasion and impact resistance. These filaments have limited flexibility, so it"s not a good idea to print objects like tires, bumpers, bushings, or anything similar with rigid filament.

On the other hand, flexible TPU filament is the material of choice for these purposes. As the name suggests, this type of 3d printer filament is flexible, highly abrasion-resistant, and can withstand severe shocks.

Why Choose TPU Filament?

3D printing enthusiasts use 3D printer filament to create innovative designs. Most users use rigid plastics, such as PLA filament and ABS filament, that have the right properties for their project.


However, with the introduction of a new class of flexible filaments like tpu filament, it brings unique properties to 3D printing that were not available in the past.

Materials such as PLA filament or ABS filament have low abrasion and impact resistance. These filaments have limited flexibility, so it"s not a good idea to print objects like tires, bumpers, bushings, or anything similar with rigid filament.

On the other hand, flexible TPU filament is the material of choice for these purposes. As the name suggests, this type of 3d printer filament is flexible, highly abrasion-resistant, and can withstand severe shocks.

TOTAL: 33812

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