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PLA, or polylactic acid, is the most commonly used 3D printing material. PLA is made from natural products such as cornstarch, making it more environmentally friendly than other plastics.PLA filamentcan be used for parts, prototypes and products that do not need to withstand high voltage.

PLA+ Print model_Pikachu

Advantages of PLA

Finished product:

+ Accurate deposition of each layer for good surface quality
+ easy post-processing
+ biodegradable
+ Available in a variety of colors or easily colored
+ Roasting increases firmness

During manufacturing:

+ 3D printing is fast and easy
+ lower printing temperature
+ low shrinkage

Disadvantages ofPLA

Finished product:

- not durable
- softens (may bend or twist) at about 140°F (60°C)
- Not resistant to UV light

During manufacturing:

- Absorb moisture from the air
- sometimes clogging the print head

Based on the modification of PLA material, eSUNPLA+has the characteristics of easy printing of PLA, and also improves the toughness and interlayer bonding force. PLA+ is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to print, and the surface of the printed part is smooth; the strength, rigidity, toughness are balanced, and the impact resistance is strong, which is very suitable for printing functional parts; eSUN PLA filament has passed FDA certification and is safer to use; it can be used for early concept models, Rapid prototyping.

What is PLA? What is PLA?

PLA, or polylactic acid, is the most commonly used 3D printing material. PLA is made from natural products such as cornstarch, making it more environmentally friendly than other plastics. PLA filament can be used for parts, prototypes and products that do not need to withstand high voltage.

PLA+ Print model_Pikachu

Advantages of PLA

Finished product:

+ Accurate deposition of each layer for good surface quality
+ easy post-processing
+ biodegradable
+ Available in a variety of colors or easily colored
+ Roasting increases firmness

During manufacturing:

+ 3D printing is fast and easy
+ lower printing temperature
+ low shrinkage

Disadvantages of PLA

Finished product:

- not durable
- softens (may bend or twist) at about 140°F (60°C)
- Not resistant to UV light

During manufacturing:

- Absorb moisture from the air
- sometimes clogging the print head

Based on the modification of PLA material, eSUN PLA+ has the characteristics of easy printing of PLA, and also improves the toughness and interlayer bonding force. PLA+ is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to print, and the surface of the printed part is smooth; the strength, rigidity, toughness are balanced, and the impact resistance is strong, which is very suitable for printing functional parts; eSUN PLA filament has passed FDA certification and is safer to use; it can be used for early concept models, Rapid prototyping.

TOTAL: 33812

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