홍보게시판 Relationship


This is my private homepage to write a opinion against society or any others, but I hope that it"s called our space, not only for my homepage. Please feel free to visit my homepage and give any message or opinion. You can use of any language, such as Japanese, english, and Korean. I wanna be friend with you! ...And please forgive me my poor english!
actually, I can speak Japanese because I am a foreign student at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. Anyway, please come to my web! thanks.

please visit my homepage!

http://www.myopinions.org/ This is my private homepage to write a opinion against society or any others, but I hope that it"s called our space, not only for my homepage. Please feel free to visit my homepage and give any message or opinion. You can use of any language, such as Japanese, english, and Korean. I wanna be friend with you! ...And please forgive me my poor english! actually, I can speak Japanese because I am a foreign student at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. Anyway, please come to my web! thanks.

TOTAL: 4174

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
1934 한국 유학의 정보 수집에 부디♪ aeroplane 2005-06-23 1694 0
1933 재일 코리안에 ごろー 2005-06-21 937 0
1932 제9회 한국어능력 시험 【수험료 할....... まり 2005-06-21 760 0
1931 ▒제51회 한일교류 노미까이 ♡ 래밸 2005-06-20 1118 0
1930 일한 교류회 in도쿄 kiaro 2005-06-17 710 0
1929 6/18게스트 DJ from KOREA!K-POP DISCO PART....... yoshi 2005-06-16 1673 0
1928 第5回 韓日親善交流에 초대합니다~~ 피터팬 2005-06-16 2199 0
1927 ▒자연스런 한일교류와 일본친구 사....... 래밸 2005-06-17 2056 0
1926 한국어 프라이빗 레슨(도쿄·카나가와....... 異文化むら 2005-06-15 1598 0
1925 한일교류회(랭귀지 익스체인지) gojapan 2005-06-15 1711 0
1924 얼마 남지 않게 되었던 후쿠오카에서 ....... oyaki9767 2005-06-16 763 0
1923 일본어퀴즈대회 같이 참가하실분!(7월....... R.O.K.Army 2005-06-15 1716 0
1922 6/25 TV출연&일한 월드컵 출장 기념 이....... noi 2005-06-14 1737 0
1921 일본어 과외합니다. Ricky 2005-06-14 752 0
1920 [8/19 삼성동 섬유센터] 일본 퓨전 재즈....... hyuni 2005-07-04 1780 0
1919 파소안녕 등 싸게 양도하는 (Seoul) まり 2005-06-13 759 0
1918 第4回 韓日親善交流 ようこそソウル 피터팬 2005-06-11 949 0
1917 6/18게스트 DJ from KOREA!K-POP DISCO PART....... yoshi 2005-06-11 655 0
1916 6월 11일 토요일 일한 교류회 kiaro 2005-06-10 1697 0
1915 한국어 학생 모집!오타큐 사가미하....... haneulkankoku 2005-06-10 677 0