
Obama Dreams of Sushi?

U.S. President Barack Obama looks set to sample sushi with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at a restaurant in Tokyo on Wednesday.
Associated Press

On his first night in Japan, U.S. President Barack Obama appears set for a quintessential Japanese dish: sushi.

He and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will dine at Sukiyabashi Jiro, a tiny basement eatery whose octogenarian chef was made famous by the 2011 documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi,” according to local news reports.

Nearby sushi restaurants said they were preparing for a quiet night, since few customers would be able to make it into the area amid tight security for the two leaders.

Sukiyabashi Jiro is one of only 13 three-starred Michelin restaurants in Tokyo and is located in an unassuming building connected to the Ginza subway station in downtown Tokyo. Meals featuring the chef’s recommended dishes start at roughly $300 each.

When JRT checked out the restaurant at lunchtime, there were only a few customers inside and a note in English outside the door asking for no photos to be taken. A restaurant employee told JRT to leave and refused to comment further. A few Japanese businessmen were outside taking a look at the restaurant out of apparent curiosity.

“President Obama is going to eat here,” said one of the businessmen explaining his interest in the eatery. He declined to give his name.

“I don’t think many customers will come” to the area tonight, said a staff member at neighboring sushi restaurant Sushi Uoyu, only a block away from Sukiyabashi Jiro. “Security is tight and no one will be able to cross the road,” he said.

“It’s lunchtime and there isn’t even a single customer,” said a staffer at neighboring sushi joint Kitamura who also declined to give his name. “What can you do?”

오바마 미 대통령은 일본 방문 이 밤, 일본 요리의 참뜻이라고도 말해야 할 초밥을 먹는 것 같다.

일본의 미디어에 의하면, 대통령과 아베 신조 수상은 오늘, 도쿄・긴자의「해 지로 」입니다 해를 먹는다.

2011년에「지로우는 지의 꿈을 꾸는」라고 제목을 붙이는 미국인 감독이 제작한 다큐멘터리 프로그램에서 유명하게 된 80대의 직공이 하고 있는 작은 초밥집이다.

주변의 초밥집은, 경비가 어렵기 때문에 오늘 밤은 손님의들이가 나쁠 것이라고 각오하고 있다.

해 지로는, 도쿄에 13점 밖에 없는 미쉐린의 3개별레스토랑의 하나로, 지하철 긴자역으로 연결된 눈에 띄지 않는 빌딩의 지하에 있다.메뉴는, 「오늘의 맡김」만으로 가격은 1명 3만엔 정도다.

재팬・리얼・타임이 점심 식사시에 가 보았는데, 점내에는 손님이 2, 3명 밖에 있지 않고, 밖의 문에는 영어로「사진 촬영 금지」와 설명서가 있었다.

우리는 점원의 1명으로부터 퇴거가 요구되어 코멘트도 받을 수 있지 못하고 떠나지 않든지였다.밖에서는 일본인의 샐러리맨이 2, 3명, 호기심을 내비치면서 가게쪽을 바라 보고 있었다.

그 샐러리맨의 1명은「오바마 대통령이 여기서 먹는다 라고 하기 때문에」와 가게를 보고 있던 이유를 설명했다.이름은 (들)물을 수 없었다.

가까이의 초밥집「초밥어유긴자점」의 점원은, 오늘 밤의 손님의들이에 대해서, 「별로 오지 않는다고 생각한다.시큐러티가 어려워서, 길을 지날 수 없는」라고 이야기했다.

역시 근처의「초밥곳 온 마을」의 점원도「점심의 시간대인데, 손님이 1사람도 들어가 있지 않다.어쩔 수 없지만요」와 체념얼굴로 말했다.


한 번은 해 지로로 먹어 보고 싶은 것입니다.
성급한 사람 해

지로우는 싫습니다만.w


Obama Dreams of Sushi?

U.S. President Barack Obama looks set to sample sushi with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at a restaurant in Tokyo on Wednesday.
Associated Press

On his first night in Japan, U.S. President Barack Obama appears set for a quintessential Japanese dish: sushi.

He and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will dine at Sukiyabashi Jiro, a tiny basement eatery whose octogenarian chef was made famous by the 2011 documentary “Jiro Dreams of Sushi,” according to local news reports.

Nearby sushi restaurants said they were preparing for a quiet night, since few customers would be able to make it into the area amid tight security for the two leaders.

Sukiyabashi Jiro is one of only 13 three-starred Michelin restaurants in Tokyo and is located in an unassuming building connected to the Ginza subway station in downtown Tokyo. Meals featuring the chef’s recommended dishes start at roughly $300 each.

When JRT checked out the restaurant at lunchtime, there were only a few customers inside and a note in English outside the door asking for no photos to be taken. A restaurant employee told JRT to leave and refused to comment further. A few Japanese businessmen were outside taking a look at the restaurant out of apparent curiosity.

“President Obama is going to eat here,” said one of the businessmen explaining his interest in the eatery. He declined to give his name.

“I don’t think many customers will come” to the area tonight, said a staff member at neighboring sushi restaurant Sushi Uoyu, only a block away from Sukiyabashi Jiro. “Security is tight and no one will be able to cross the road,” he said.

“It’s lunchtime and there isn’t even a single customer,” said a staffer at neighboring sushi joint Kitamura who also declined to give his name. “What can you do?”









近くのすし屋「すし 魚遊 銀座店」の店員は、今晩の客の入りについて、「あまり来ないと思う。セキュリティーが厳しくて、道を通れない」と話した。




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