


The teams that England are desperate to avoid in next summer"s World Cup

(월드컵에서 잉글랜드가 피하고 싶은 팀들)

Fabio Capello

(Michael Regan/Getty Images)

New Zealand, Algeria and Slovakia would do Fabio Capello nicely


England are among the top seeds in Pot 1, along with South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Holland and Spain. But what terrors lurk in the other pots?

Ratings: ***** = red alert!
**** = treat with caution (주의해야할 팀)
*** = only dangerous if England have a bad day(잉글랜드가 안좋은 날은 위험한 팀)
** = only dangerous if England have a bad day and are reduced to nine men(잉글랜드가 안좋고,2명퇴장한경우 위험한 팀)
* = no danger; similar to playing Scotland or Wales “(스코틀랜드나 웨일즈 스타일로 신경꺼도 좋은팀)


Pot 2 (Asia, Oceania and North/Central America)

* * Japan First country to qualify for the finals and probably among the first to go home next summer.(가장 먼저 집에 갈 팀)

* * * South Korea Asia’s best team but short of flair and overreliant on Park Ji Sung, of Manchester United.

(아시아 최강)





일본인의 현실은 가혹한 것이다  ( ′-`) y




The teams that England are desperate to avoid in next summer¥"s World Cup

(ワールドカップでイングランドが避けたい チーム)


(Michael Regan/Getty Images)

New Zealand, Algeria and Slovakia would do Fabio Capello nicely

England are among the top seeds in Pot 1, along with South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Holland and Spain. But what terrors lurk in the other pots?

Ratings: ***** = red alert!
**** = treat with caution (気を付けなければならないチーム)
*** = only dangerous if England have a bad day(イングランドの良くない日は危ないチーム)
** = only dangerous if England have a bad day and are reduced to nine men(イングランドが好き,2リストラ壮漢場合危ないチーム)
* = no danger; similar to playing Scotland or Wales ¥"(スコットランドやウェールズスタイルで神経ことも良いチーム)


Pot 2 (Asia, Oceania and North/Central America)

* * Japan First country to qualify for the finals and probably among the first to go home next summer.(一番先に家へ行くチーム)

* * * South Korea Asia’s best team but short of flair and overreliant on Park Ji Sung, of Manchester United.






倭国人の現実は苛酷なことだ  ( ´-`) y

TOTAL: 2671

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