
도청(묻는 나비)←클릭

도청(와 나비)←클릭

※우민에게 읽어 줍니다
국노 어음, 중국트이나리, 문자트상히 유통 세즈, 고 니 우민, 말헌트욕구 술 소유 레드모, 종니기노정신 브르이득 잘자다시.예차가위니민연타리테, 신타니 28자제리, 사람들 시테역쿠습히, 일용니편 타라시먼트욕구 스르노미

우민 문자의 한계인가

동정(Virgin) 동정(Sympathy) 
유기(Organic matter) 유기(Abandonment) 
사기(Shiki) 사기(Swindle) 
고문(Adviser) 고문(Torture) 
우정(Postal administration) 우정(Friendship) 
화상(Burn) 화상(Image) 
풍속(Velocity of the wind) 풍속(Customs) 
전사(Killed) 전사(Soldier) 
수치(Numerical value) 수치(Shame) 
신차(New car) 신차(new tea)
견식(dog eating) 견식(Discernment) 
열화(Intense fire) 열화(Deterioration) 
독자(Reader) 독자(Originality) 
정전(Power failure) 정전(Cease-fire) 
구조(rescue) 구조(structure) 
제국(Nations) 제국(Empire) 
의식(Consciousness) 의식(ritual) 
성명(Statement) 성명(Full name) 
전원(All members) 전원(The country) 
전력(One"s best) 전력(Electric power) 
포경(Whale fishing) 포경(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 
과장(Section chief) 과장(Exaggeration) 
지도(Map) 지도(Guidance) 
초대(Founder) 초대(Invitation) 
역사(Station) 역사(History) 
반전(Anti-war) 반전(Reversing) 
무사(Samurai) 무사(Safely) 
연패(Successive victories) 연패(Series of defeats) 
기원(Prayer) 기원(Origin) 
동지(Fellow) 동지(Winter solstice) 
신사(Gentleman) 신사(Shinto shrine) 
수상(Prime Minister) 수상(Winning) 
시장(Mayor) 시장(Market) 
영화(Movie) 영화(Prosperity) 
보도(Pavement) 보도(Report) 
배(Stomach) 선 (Ship) 
양산(Parasol) 양산(Mass production) 
주의(Principle) 주의(Attention) 
부채(Fan) 부채(Debt) 
대사(Ambassador) 대사(Dialog) 
제도(Islands) 제도(System)  
정액(Fixed amount) 정액(Semen) 
인도(India) 인도(Requiem) 
대국(Play) 대국(Large country) 
무력(Powerlessness) 무력(Military power) 
전철(Train) 전차(Tank) 
발광(Luminescence) 발광(Goingmad) 
충전(Charge) 충전(Filling) 
대변(Representation) 대변(Feces) 
조선(Korea) 조선(Shipbuilding) 
반일(Anti-Japan) 반나절(Half a day)  
주석(Pillars) 주석(The president) 
방화(Fire prevention) 방화(Arson) 
방수(Waterproof) 방수(Draining water off) 
지방(The provinces) 지방(Fat) 
역사(Station building) 역사(History) 
검사(inspection) 검사(prosecutor) 


盗聴(とうちょう)  ←クリック

都庁(とちょう) ←クリック



童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 
有機(Organic matter) 遺棄(Abandonment) 
史記(Shiki) 詐欺(Swindle) 
顧問(Adviser) 拷問(Torture) 
郵政(Postal administration) 友情(Friendship) 
火傷(Burn) 画像(Image) 
風速(Velocity of the wind) 風俗(Customs) 
戦死(Killed) 戦士(Soldier) 
数値(Numerical value) 羞恥(Shame) 
新車(New car) 新茶(new tea)
犬食(dog eating) 見識(Discernment) 
烈火(Intense fire) 劣化(Deterioration) 
読者(Reader) 独自(Originality) 
停電(Power failure) 停戦(Cease-fire) 
救助(rescue) 構造(structure) 
諸国(Nations) 帝国(Empire) 
意識(Consciousness) 儀式(ritual) 
声明(Statement) 姓名(Full name) 
全員(All members) 田園(The country) 
全力(One"s best) 電力(Electric power) 
捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 
課長(Section chief) 誇張(Exaggeration) 
地図(Map) 指導(Guidance) 
初代(Founder) 招待(Invitation) 
駅舎(Station) 歴史(History) 
反戦(Anti-war)  反転(Reversing) 
武士(Samurai) 無事(Safely) 
連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) 
祈願(Prayer) 起源(Origin) 
同志(Fellow) 冬至(Winter solstice) 
紳士(Gentleman)  神社(Shinto shrine) 
首相(Prime Minister) 受賞(Winning) 
市長(Mayor) 市場(Market) 
映画(Movie) 栄華(Prosperity) 
歩道(Pavement) 報道(Report) 
お腹(Stomach) 船 (Ship) 
日傘(Parasol) 量産(Mass production) 
主義(Principle) 注意(Attention) 
団扇(Fan) 負債(Debt) 
大使(Ambassador) 台詞(Dialog) 
諸島(Islands) 制度(System)  
定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 
インド(India) 引導(Requiem) 
対局(Play) 大国(Large country) 
無力(Powerlessness) 武力(Military power) 
電車(Train) 戦車(Tank) 
発光(Luminescence) 発狂(Going mad) 
充電(Charge) 充填(Filling) 
代弁(Representation) 大便(Feces) 
朝鮮(Korea) 造船(Shipbuilding) 
反日(Anti-Japan) 半日(Half a day)  
柱石(Pillars) 主席(The president) 
防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 
地方(The provinces) 脂肪(Fat) 
駅舎(Station building) 歴史(History) 
検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 

TOTAL: 4259

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
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