

DNA/Y-Chromosome Haplogroup D Type은 “흑인유전자”로 불리우며, 주로 동남아시아, 중국한족, 대만/필리핀외 Austronesian계통, 일본의 남부지역(특히 오키나와일부)에서 발견되는 Haplotype 유전자이다.

[[ Genetic Disparities Between Asian People ]]


Hideo Matsumoto, Department of Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College, 569 Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan


Since the discovery in 1966 of the Gm ab3st gene, which characterizes Mongoloid populations, the distribution of allotypes of immunoglobulins (Gm) among Mongoloid populations scattered from Southeast Asia through East Asia to South America has been investigated, and the following conclusions can be drawn:


1. Mongoloid populations can be characterized by four Gm haplotypes, Gm ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3, and can be divided into two groups based on the analysis of genetic distances utilizing Gm haplotype frequency distributions: the first is a southern group characterized by a remarkably high frequency of Gm afb1b3 and a low frequency of Gm ag, and the second, a northern group characterized by a high frequency of both Gm ag and Gm ab3st but an extremely low frequency of Gm afb1b3.


2. Populations in China, mainly Han, show remarkable heterogeneity of Gm allotypes from north to south and contrast sharply to Korean and Japanese populations, which are considerably more homogenous with respect to these genetic markers. The center of dispersion of the Gm afb1b3 gene characterizing southern Mongoloids has been identified as the Guangxi and Yunnan area in the southwest of China.


3. The Gm ab3st gene, which is found with its the highest incidence among the northern Baikal Buriats, flows in all directions. However, this gene shows a precipitous drop from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia and from North to South America, although it is still found in high frequency among Eskimos, Koryaks, Yakuts, Tibetans, Olunchuns, Tungus, Koreans, Japanese, and Ainus. On the other hand, the gene was introduced into Huis, Uyghurs, Indians, Iranians, and spread as far as to include Hungarians and Sardinians in Italy. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the Japanese race belongs to northern Mongoloids and that the origin of the Japanese race was in Siberia, and most likely in the Baikal area of the Soviet Un!on.




일본인 유전학자의 연구결과에 의하면, 북방계 민족일수록 ab3st(노란색) 유전자는 높게 나타나고, afb1b3(붉은색) 유전자는 낮게 나타나고 있다.


이 일본인 유전학자의 결과로 본다면... 북방계 민족(높은 ab3st유전자, 낮은 afb1b3유전자)은 한국인, 일본인, 에스키모인, 티벳인, 퉁구스인, 아이누인정도이고, 남방계 민족(높은 afb1b3유전자, 낮은 ab3st유전자)은 중국인(대만인포함)과 그외 동남아시아인.




위 타이페이타임즈 기사에 의하면 중국 남부지역엔 아직도 흑인(Negritos)을 선조로 모시는 풍습/축제가 있고, 지금까지 전해 내려오고 있다고 한다.



- 흑인의 이동 경로: 동아프리카 => 서남아시아 => 동남아시아 => 중국 (북방계 몽골로이드와 융화되어 지금의 한족을 형성)




It can be reasonably assumed that the first inhabitants of the chinese mainland were Black Brown Africans from East, West and Central regions of Africa given that the earliest human skeletal remains in China are of “Negro” (or “Negritos” a psuedo-scientific term commonly used today) people. The next oldest skeletal type after the period of predominance of the African immigrants were the Classical Mongoloids or Austronesian speakers.


- 중국내에서 발견된 유골을 토대로 과거 중국인의 조상은 “흑인”이었다는 해외의 연구결과.


[[ 중국인들의 직계조상은 黑人 ]]


(::中 원난성 동물硏 장야핑, 阿선조 Y염색체와 유사::) 중국인들의 조상은 고대 아프리카인이라는 다소 충격적인 연구 결과가 최근 나와 중국의 인류학계 및 고고학계를 당혹스럽게 만 들고 있다. 또 이 연구는 세계 최고의 인류 중 한 갈래로 알려진 50만년전의 베이징(北京) 원인이 중국인의 조상이 아니라는 사실까지 더불 어 주장, 향후 국내외적인 격론을 불러일으킬 것으로 보인다.


이같은 충격적 연구 결과를 발표, 파문을 일으키고 있는 주인공 은 윈난(雲南)성 쿤밍(昆明) 소재 동물연구소 유전생물학 실험실 의 장야핑(張亞平) 원사. 그는 최근 수년 동안 연구를 진행해온 결과 중국인의 조상은 아프리카에서 왔다는 사실을 알아냈다고 주장했다. 중국인의 아프리카 기원설을 주장하는 그가 내놓는 증거는 단순 하다. 중국인의 유전자본체(DNA)에서 Y염색체를 추출해본 결과 아프리카 흑인들의 선조에서 나타나는 특징이 대체로 나타나고 있다는 것이다. 그는 이를 근거로 현재의 중국인들은 6만년전 아 프리카에서 중국 대륙으로 온 이들의 후예라는 과감한 결론도 동 시에 내렸다. 현재 그의 주장에 대해 반론을 제기하는 학자들은 거의 없다. 그 렇다고 과학적 근거가 있다고 박수를 보내는 이들 역시 없다. 주 장이 너무 충격적이어서 일단 눈치를 볼 수밖에 없는 탓이다. 그 러나 사안이 사안인 만큼 조만간 이에 대한 논란이 빚어질 가능 성은 높다. 그동안 별로 연구가 되지 않은 베이징 원인에 대한 국내외의 학술적 논쟁이 기대되는 이유이기도 하다.




- 중국의 Geneticist 과학자의 소신있는 발언에 의하면 중국인의 DNA/Y-Chromosome 유전자는 북방계 베이징원인이 아닌, 남방계인 Negrito(흑인) 이었다는걸 증명함. 즉, 중국의 경우는 남방계일수록 흑인 혹은 동남아시아와 가장 유사한 유전자형태를 보여준다.


아래는 중국남방계의 전형적인 여성 얼굴형...




DNA/Y-Chromosome Haplogroup D Typeは ¥"黒人遺伝子¥"と呼ばれて, 主に東南アジア, 中国漢族, 台湾/フィリピンの外 Austronesian系統, 日本の南部地域(特に沖繩一部)で発見される Haplotype 遺伝子だ.

[[ Genetic Disparities Between Asian People ]]


Hideo Matsumoto, Department of Legal Medicine, Osaka Medical College, 569 Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan


Since the discovery in 1966 of the Gm ab3st gene, which characterizes Mongoloid populations, the distribution of allotypes of immunoglobulins (Gm) among Mongoloid populations scattered from Southeast Asia through East Asia to South America has been investigated, and the following conclusions can be drawn:


1. Mongoloid populations can be characterized by four Gm haplotypes, Gm ag, axg, ab3st, and afb1b3, and can be divided into two groups based on the analysis of genetic distances utilizing Gm haplotype frequency distributions: the first is a southern group characterized by a remarkably high frequency of Gm afb1b3 and a low frequency of Gm ag, and the second, a northern group characterized by a high frequency of both Gm ag and Gm ab3st but an extremely low frequency of Gm afb1b3.


2. Populations in China, mainly Han, show remarkable heterogeneity of Gm allotypes from north to south and contrast sharply to Korean and Japanese populations, which are considerably more homogenous with respect to these genetic markers. The center of dispersion of the Gm afb1b3 gene characterizing southern Mongoloids has been identified as the Guangxi and Yunnan area in the southwest of China.


3. The Gm ab3st gene, which is found with its the highest incidence among the northern Baikal Buriats, flows in all directions. However, this gene shows a precipitous drop from mainland China to Taiwan and Southeast Asia and from North to South America, although it is still found in high frequency among Eskimos, Koryaks, Yakuts, Tibetans, Olunchuns, Tungus, Koreans, Japanese, and Ainus. On the other hand, the gene was introduced into Huis, Uyghurs, Indians, Iranians, and spread as far as to include Hungarians and Sardinians in Italy. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that the Japanese race belongs to northern Mongoloids and that the origin of the Japanese race was in Siberia, and most likely in the Baikal area of the Soviet Un!on.




日本人遺伝学者の研究結果によれば, 北方係民族であればあるほど ab3st(黄色) 遺伝子は高く現われて, afb1b3(赤色) 遺伝子は低く現われている.


が日本人遺伝学者の結果で見たら... 北方係民族(高い ab3st遺伝子, 低い afb1b3遺伝子)は韓国人, 日本人, エスキモーである, チベットである, ツングースである, アイヌ人位で, 南方係民族(高い afb1b3遺伝子, 低い ab3st遺伝子)は中国人(台湾人含み)とその外東南アジア人.




上の台北タイムズ記事によれば 中国南部地域にはまだ黒人(Negritos)を先祖に仕える風習/祭りがあって, 今まで伝えて下っていると言う.



- 黒人の移動経路: 同アフリカ => 西南アジア => 東南アジア => 中国 (北方係モンゴロイドと融化されて今の漢族を形成)




It can be reasonably assumed that the first inhabitants of the chinese mainland were Black Brown Africans from East, West and Central regions of Africa given that the earliest human skeletal remains in China are of Negro (or Negritos a psuedo-scientific term commonly used today) people. The next oldest skeletal type after the period of predominance of the African immigrants were the Classical Mongoloids or Austronesian speakers.


- 中国内で発見された遺骨を土台で過去中国人の先祖は黒人だったという海外の研究結果.


[[ 中国人たちの直系先祖は 黒人 ]]


(::中 ウォン乱性動物研 ザングヤピング, 阿先祖 Y染色体と類似::) 中国人たちの先祖は古代アフリカ人というちょっと衝撃的な研究結果が最近出て中国の人類学界及び考古学界を戸惑うに持っている. またこの研究は世界最高の人類の中一分岐点で知られた 50万年前の 北京(北京) 原因が中国人の先祖ではないという事実まで連れて主張, 今後の国内外的な激論を催すように見える.


このようなショッキング研究結果を発表, 波紋を投げかけている主人公銀雲南(雲南)省クンミング(昆明) 素材動物研究所遺伝生物学実験室義ザングヤピング(張亜平) 怨辞. 彼は最近数年の間研究を進行して来た結果中国人の先祖はアフリカから来たという事実が分かったと主張した. 中国人のアフリカ祈願説を主張する彼の出す証拠は単純だ. 中国人の遺伝子本体(DNA)で Y染色体を抽出して見た結果アフリカ黒人たちの先祖で現われる特徴が概して現われているということだ. 彼はこれを根拠で現在の中国人たちは 6万年前プリカから中国大陸に来た人々の後裔という果敢な結論も東時に下った. 現在彼の主張に対して反論を申し立てる学者たちはほとんどない. そうだと科学的根拠があると拍手を送る人々もいない. 株職人とても衝撃的なので一応機嫌を伺うしかないせいだ. しかしことがことだけに早いうちにこれに対する論難がもたらす可能聖恩高い. その間あまり研究にならない北京原因に対する国内外の学術的論争が期待される理由でもある.




- 中国の Geneticist 科学者の所信ある発言によれば 中国人の DNA/Y-Chromosome 遺伝子は北方係北京原人ではない, 南方係である Negrito(黒人) 引き継いだということ証明する. すなわち, 中国の場合は南方係であればあるほど黒人あるいは東南アジアと一番似たり寄ったりな遺伝子形態を見せてくれる.





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