전통문화소개 Relationship


South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak (R) and his wife Kim Yoon-Ok (L) express their condolences at the memorial altar for former president Roh Moo-Hyun (pictured behind) during a funeral ceremony at the Gyeongbok Palace near the presidential Blue House in Seoul on May 29, 2009. Thousands of weeping morners packed the streets on May 29 to pay their last respect to former president Roh Moo-Hyun amid a massive outpouring of grief and tight security.



그런데 ,

너무 상궤를 벗어났다

회장외의 모습











위로부터 부감 해 보았다.











왠지 논평할 수 없다.(w


TOTAL: 9758

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 추천
2478 . dongcom 2009-06-10 741 0
2477 당신등 오래간만야 warosu77 2009-06-01 877 0
2476 . dongcom 2009-06-10 1439 0
2475 공녀!공녀! ジョン_ 2009-06-01 1558 0
2474 【사신】ε(*"д")^o 벌게임 소화.【....... くぷ 2009-06-01 1045 0
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