For a handset with such a broad range of standout features and specs, the Galaxy S II is remarkably easy to summarize. It"s the best Android smartphone yet, but more importantly, it might well be the best smartphone, period. Of course, a 4.3-inch screen size won"t suit everyone, no matter how stupendously thin the device that carries it may be, and we also can"t say for sure that the Galaxy S II would justify a long-term iOS user foresaking his investment into one ecosystem and making the leap to another. Nonetheless, if you"re asking us what smartphone to buy today, unconstrained by such externalities, the Galaxy S II would be the clear choice. Sometimes it"s just as simple as that.
Apple 제품에 유난히 좋은 평가를 하는 것으로 유명한 enGadget에서도
갤럭시s2는 9점을 획득(10점이 최고점)하고 있다.
현재 판매 중에 있는 세상의 모든 스마트폰 중에서
engadget에서 9점을 획득한 것은 거의 유일하지 ?
성능, 인터페이스, 디자인, 화면 액정, user interface, 카메라, 3D 가속 성능 등
모든 부문에서 완벽에 가까운 평가를 얻고 있다.
더 자세한 review는 이곳에서 볼 수 있다.
For a handset with such a broad range of standout features and specs, the Galaxy S II is remarkably easy to summarize. It¥"s the best Android smartphone yet, but more importantly, it might well be the best smartphone, period. Of course, a 4.3-inch screen size won¥"t suit everyone, no matter how stupendously thin the device that carries it may be, and we also can¥"t say for sure that the Galaxy S II would justify a long-term iOS user foresaking his investment into one ecosystem and making the leap to another. Nonetheless, if you¥"re asking us what smartphone to buy today, unconstrained by such externalities, the Galaxy S II would be the clear choice. Sometimes it¥"s just as simple as that.
Apple 製品に特に良い評価をすることで有名な enGadgetでも
ギャラクシーs2は 9点を獲得(10点が最高点)とある.
engadgetで 9点を獲得したことはほとんど唯一なの ?
性能, インターフェース, デザイン, 画面液晶, user interface, カメラ, 3D 加速性能など
もっと詳しい reviewはこちらで見られる.