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Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the “interaction”, that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce


Interaction design, also known as interaction design, is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. Artifacts, ie, artificially made items, such as software, mobile devices, artificial environments, services, wearable devices, and the organization of systems. Interaction design is about defining the interface related to the way the artifact behaves (the "interaction", that is, how the artifact reacts in a specific situation). Interaction design bridges information architecture and visual design to form an easier-to-use user interface.what is ecommerce

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