時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

Well, the German problem is a completely and entirely different one from the Japanese problem. The German people were a mature race.

さあ, ドイツ問題は日本問題とは完全に他の問題です. ドイツ人々は成熟した人種だった.

If the Anglo-Saxon was say 45 years of age in his development, in the sciences, the arts, divinity, culture, the Germans were quite as mature.

アングロサクリンが科学, 芸術, 神学, 文化において 45歳と言ったら, 独逸人はまったく同じく成熟しました.

The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of 12 as compared with our development of 45 years.

しかし日本人たちは歴史が古かったにもかかわらず教えることを受けなければならない状況にありました. 現代文明を基準にしたらうちの(アングロサクリン)が 45歳の年齢に至ったことと比べて日本人は 12歳の少年の同じです.

Like any tuitionary period, they were susceptible to following new models, new ideas. You can implant basic concepts there. They were still close enough to origin to be elastic and acceptable to new concepts.

他のどんな教えることを受ける間と同じく彼らは新しいモデルに影響を受けやすくて基本的な概念を植えてくれることができます. 彼らは新しい概念を受け入れることができるほどに白紙に近くて柔軟性もありました.

The German was quite as mature as we ware. Whatever the German did in dereliction of the standards of modern morality, the international standards, he did deliberately.

独逸人は私たちが分かっていることのようにかなり成熟した. 独逸人たちが現代道徳の基準, すなわち国際基準を捨てて何をしたといっても間に, 独逸人は故意的にした.

He didn"t do it because of a lack of knowledge of the world. He didn"t do it because he stumbled into it to some extent as the Japanese did. He did it as a considered policy in which he believed in his own military might, in which he believed that its application would be a short cut to the power and economic domination that he desired.

独逸人は世の中に対する知識が不足でそれをしなかった. 独逸人は日本人たちがそうだったようにどの位偶然に出会ったからそれをしなかった. ドイツ自分の軍事力を使うのが彼らが希望した権力と経済支配への近道だと思って深思熟考した後に軍事力を行使したのです.

Now you are not going to change the German nature. He will come back to the path that he believes is correct by the pressure of public opinion, by the pressure of world philosophies, by his own interests and many other reasons, and he, in my belief, will develop his own Germanic tribe along the lines that he himself believes in which do not in many basic ways differ from our own.

もうあなたはドイツの本性を変えないだろう. 独逸人は世論の圧力, 世界哲学の圧力, 自分の利益と違う多くの理由たちによって正しいと信じる道に帰って来るはずで, 彼は私の考えに, 多い基本的な面で私たちと違わない, その自分が信じる路線に沿って自分のゲルマン民族を発展させるでしょう.

But the Japanese were entirely different. There is no similarity.One of the great mistakes that was made was to t ry to apply the same policies which were so successful in Japan to Germany, where they were not quite so successful,to say the least.

しかし日本人たちは完全に違った. 類似点はない.最大の間違いの中で一つは日本で成功した政策をドイツにも適用しようと思ったのです. ドイツではあまり成功的ではなかったです.

They were working on a different level.


p.312′Military situation in the Far East. Corporate Author: United States.(1951)


自治を与えれば正しい道を歩く = ドイツ

自治を与えれば結局 12歳になる = ニッポン

ニッポンが根源的にダメである理由は文明の成熟度が 12歳だからだ.



閉まっている感じ. また比喩的に閉まったように未来が見えない模様.

「首に -がある」 「-を打開する」

日本は劣等な国であり, 日本人には劣等性が刻印されている

닛폰이 특공을 찬양하는 이유

Well, the German problem is a completely and entirely different one from the Japanese problem. The German people were a mature race.

자, 독일 문제는 일본 문제와는 완전히 다른 문제입니다. 독일 사람들은 성숙한 인종이었다.

If the Anglo-Saxon was say 45 years of age in his development, in the sciences, the arts, divinity, culture, the Germans were quite as mature.

앵글로색슨이 과학, 예술, 신학, 문화에 있어서 45세라고 한다면, 독일인은 똑같이 성숙했습니다.

The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of 12 as compared with our development of 45 years.

그러나 일본인들은 역사가 오래되었음에도 불구하고 가르침을 받아야 할 상황에 있었습니다. 현대문명을 기준으로 한다면 우리(앵글로색슨)가 45세의 연령에 이른 것과 비교해 일본인은 12세의 소년과 같습니다.

Like any tuitionary period, they were susceptible to following new models, new ideas. You can implant basic concepts there. They were still close enough to origin to be elastic and acceptable to new concepts.

다른 어떤 가르침을 받는 동안과 마찬가지로 그들은 새로운 모델에 영향을 받기 쉽고 기본적인 개념을 심어줄 수 있습니다. 그들은 새로운 개념을 받아들일 수 있을 정도로 백지에 가깝고 유연성도 있었습니다.

The German was quite as mature as we ware. Whatever the German did in dereliction of the standards of modern morality, the international standards, he did deliberately.

독일인은 우리가 알고 있는 것처럼 꽤 성숙했다. 독일인들이 현대 도덕의 기준, 즉 국제 기준을 버리고 무엇을 했든 간에, 독일인은 고의적으로 했다.

He didn"t do it because of a lack of knowledge of the world. He didn"t do it because he stumbled into it to some extent as the Japanese did. He did it as a considered policy in which he believed in his own military might, in which he believed that its application would be a short cut to the power and economic domination that he desired.

독일인은 세상에 대한 지식이 부족해서 그것을 하지 않았다. 독일인은 일본인들이 그랬던 것처럼 어느 정도 우연히 마주쳤기 때문에 그것을 하지 않았다. 독일 자신의 군사력을 사용하는 것이 그들이 희망한 권력과 경제 지배로의 지름길이라고 생각하고 심사숙고한 후에 군사력을 행사한 것입니다.

Now you are not going to change the German nature. He will come back to the path that he believes is correct by the pressure of public opinion, by the pressure of world philosophies, by his own interests and many other reasons, and he, in my belief, will develop his own Germanic tribe along the lines that he himself believes in which do not in many basic ways differ from our own.

이제 당신은 독일의 본성을 바꾸지 않을 것입니다. 독일인은 여론의 압력, 세계 철학의 압력, 자신의 이익과 다른 많은 이유들에 의해 옳다고 믿는 길로 돌아올 것이고, 그는 내 생각에, 많은 기본적인 면에서 우리와 다르지 않은, 그 자신이 믿는 노선을 따라 자신의 게르만 민족을 발전시킬 것이다.

But the Japanese were entirely different. There is no similarity. One of the great mistakes that was made was to t ry to apply the same policies which were so successful in Japan to Germany, where they were not quite so successful,to say the least.

하지만 일본인들은 완전히 달랐다. 유사점은 없다. 가장 큰 실수 중 하나는 일본에서 성공한 정책을 독일에도 적용하려 했던 것입니다. 독일에서는 그다지 성공적이지 않았습니다.

They were working on a different level.

독일인은 다른 레벨에서 활동하고 있었기 때문입니다.

 p.312、Military situation in the Far East. Corporate Author: United States.(1951)


자치를 주면 올바른 길을 걷는다 = 독일

자치를 주면 결국 12살이 된다 = 닛폰

닛폰이 근원적으로 다메인 이유는 문명의 성숙도가 12살이기 때문이다.



닫혀 있는 느낌. 또 비유적으로 닫힌 것처럼 미래가 안 보이는 모양.

「목에 -가 있다」 「-을 타개한다」

일본은 열등한 나라이며, 일본인에게는 열등성이 각인되어 있다

TOTAL: 2669124

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