時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

In DSM-5, hwa-byung is predominantly regarded as one of the khyl cap (wind attack)-related conditions in other cultural contexts, and the clinical characteristics of hwa-byung have not been described at all.

However, hwa-byung has merely been used as a folk term to describe “consequences of repressed anger or accumulated rage and sorrow.” Additionally, it has been suggested that its uniqueness is not sure about “a culture-bound syndrome specific to Korean culture.”

本人が引用したリンクにも使っているのに何で精神勝利をしているか知れない. w

当事者が見えない時スレッドで 火病 噴出しながら精神勝利しないで,

当事者がオンラインである時コメントを付けるか当事者が見える時直接質問をしてください. w

どうして見えないような時だけ精神勝利騷いでから現われれば逃げだしますか? w


In DSM-5, hwa-byung is predominantly regarded as one of the khyâl cap (wind attack)-related conditions in other cultural contexts, and the clinical characteristics of hwa-byung have not been described at all.

However, hwa-byung has merely been used as a folk term to describe “consequences of repressed anger or accumulated rage and sorrow.” Additionally, it has been suggested that its uniqueness is not sure about “a culture-bound syndrome specific to Korean culture.”

본인이 인용한 링크에도 써있는데 무엇으로 정신승리를 하고 있는지 모르는. w

당사자가 안보일때 스레드에서 火病 분출하면서 정신승리 하지 말고,

당사자가 온라인 일때 코멘트를 붙이던가 당사자가 보일때 직접 질문을 하세요. w

어째서 안보일 것 같을 때만 정신승리 떠들다가 나타나면 도망갑니까? w

TOTAL: 2607

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