時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments


The Global South is a term generally used to identify countries and regions in the regions of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Most of humanity resides in the Global South.

the Global North (comprising the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and few others depending on context).

글로벌 사우스. w


The Global South is a term generally used to identify countries and regions in the regions of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Most of humanity resides in the Global South.

the Global North (comprising the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and few others depending on context).

TOTAL: 2611

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
1391 高句麗人は韓国人 (20) booq 2023-05-24 432 0
1390 縄文人の後裔 (8) booq 2023-05-24 333 0
1389 広島長崎またするはずだ (3) booq 2023-05-24 443 0
1388 世界史で無名ローカル弱小国だった....... booq 2023-05-23 234 0
1387 グローバルサウス. w (1) booq 2023-05-23 259 0
1386 someiyoshino 済州島 起原説 (18) booq 2023-05-21 353 0
1385 捏造歴史が日常の日本 (50) booq 2023-05-21 560 0
1384 半島南部倭人 (2) booq 2023-05-20 253 0
1383 韓日読解力 (6) booq 2023-05-20 194 1
1382 日本人さむらい (1) booq 2023-05-19 339 0
1381 昔の映画日本人役 (2) booq 2023-05-18 243 0
1380 北京を占領した高句麗 (23) booq 2023-05-18 318 0
1379 nato power (5) booq 2023-05-17 259 0
1378 文明水準の差 (9) booq 2023-05-17 346 0
1377 朝鮮時代大きい 馬 (5) booq 2023-05-17 461 0
1376 半島の 流鏑馬 日本の 流鏑馬 (3) booq 2023-05-17 279 2
1375 日本福島汚染水の問題点 (3) booq 2023-05-17 217 2
1374 日本の愚民たちに教える三重水素の....... (17) booq 2023-05-16 336 0
1373 三重水素.w (6) booq 2023-05-16 200 0
1372 韓日関係問題の原因 (7) booq 2023-05-16 307 0