時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments


1. My Government requests that the word “renounces” in Paragraph a, Article Number 2, should be replaced by “confirms that it renounced on August 9,1945, all right, title and claim to Korea and the islands which were part of Korea prior to its annexation by Japan, including the island Quelpart, Port Hamilton, Dagelet, Dokdo and Parangdo.”

1. 韓国政府は、第2条(a)項の「放棄する」という言葉を「韓国、及び済州島、巨文島、鬱陵島、独島及び青島など日本による韓国併合以前に韓国の一部であった諸島に対するすべての権利、主権及び請求権を、1945年8月9日に放棄したことを確認する」と作成することを要求します。


With respect to request of the Korean Government that Article 2(a) of the draft be revised to provide that Japan “confirms that it renounced on August 9, 1945, all right, title and claim to Korea and the islands which were part of Korea prior to its annexation by Japan, including the islands Quelpart, Port Hamilton, Dagelet, Dokdo and Parangdo,” the United States Government regrets that it is unable to concur in this proposed amendment.

草案第2条(a)項を、日本は「韓国、及び済州島、巨文島、鬱陵島、 独 島及び青島など日本による韓国併合以前に韓国の一部であった諸島に対するすべての権利、主権及び請求権を、1945年8月9日に放棄したことを確認する」と規定するように修正しなければならないという大韓民国政府の要求に対して、残念ながら合衆国政府はその提案に同意できません 。

독도가 한국 영토가 아닌 이유

(한국 정부 요구) 1951.7.19

1. My Government requests that the word “renounces” in Paragraph a, Article Number 2, should be replaced by “confirms that it renounced on August 9,1945, all right, title and claim to Korea and the islands which were part of Korea prior to its annexation by Japan, including the island Quelpart, Port Hamilton, Dagelet, Dokdo and Parangdo.”

1. 한국 정부는, 제2조(a) 항의 「방폐한다」라고 하는 말을 「한국, 및 제주도, 거문도, 울릉도, 독도 및 아오시마 등 일본에 의한 한국 병합 이전에 한국의 일부에서 만난 제도에 대한 모든 권리, 주권 및 청구권을, 1945년 8월 9일에 방폐한 것을 확인한다」라고 작성하는 것을 요구합니다.

(미국 회답) 1951.8.10

With respect to request of the Korean Government that Article 2(a) of the draft be revised to provide that Japan "confirms that it renounced on August 9, 1945, all right, title and claim to Korea and the islands which were part of Korea prior to its annexation by Japan, including the islands Quelpart, Port Hamilton, Dagelet, Dokdo and Parangdo," the United States Government regrets that it is unable to concur in this proposed amendment.

초안 제2조(a) 항을, 일본은 「한국, 및 제주도, 거문도, 울릉도, 독도 및 아오시마 등 일본에 의한 한국 병합 이전에 한국의 일부에서 만난 제도에 대한 모든 권리, 주권 및 청구권을, 1945년 8월 9일에 방폐한 것을 확인한다」라고 규정하도록(듯이) 수정해야 한다고 하는 대한민국 정부의 요구에 대해서, 유감스럽지만 합중국 정부는 그 제안에 동의 할 수 없습니다 .

TOTAL: 3033

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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2654 親日罪ですね。 kikani 2023-04-15 231 0