時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

Toward better understanding of the battle of Myeongnyang: Review of Literature
小川 隆章
OGAWA, Takaaki
Emeritus Professor
International Pacific University
Abstract:In the battle of Myeongnyang, on October 1597, the Korean navy, led by Admiral Yi
Sun-sin, fought the Japanese navy in the Myeongnyang Strait, near Jindo Island, off the southwest
corner of the Korean peninsula.
In this paper we reviewed literature concerning this battle. Almost all Korean and Japanese
historians and writers wrote that Korean navy had gotten brilliant tactic victory, and had pushed
back Japanese navy. We checked two gentlemen’s books.『Ganyangrok』 written by Gang Hang,
and 『Wolbong haesangrok』 written by Jeong Hui-deuk. The authors of two books tell us that they
saw a number of Japanese war ships and were caught by Japanese navy at west coast of Cholla
province just after the battle. These facts show us that Korean navy did not push back Japanese
navy at Myeongnyang. And admiral Yi’s diary reports that he withdrew to north end of Cholla
province from the strait. Therefore we conclude that admiral Yi Sun-sin got tactical victory to the
vanguard of Japanese navy, and Japanese navy got general strategic victory at this battle.
Keywords:myeongnyang, naval battle, Yi Sun-sin, Imjin war


명량해전에 관한 문헌 총람:해전의 실상을 요구해

명량해전에 관한 문헌 총람:해전의 실상을 요구해
Toward better understanding of the battle of Myeongnyang: Review of Literature
환태평양 대학 명예 교수
오가와 타카시장
OGAWA, Takaaki
Emeritus Professor
International Pacific University
요지:토요토미 히데요시에 의한 2번째의 한국 출병(게이쵸의 역 , 정서재란) 때, 한반도 남서부의 명량해협에서의 조선수군과 일본수군과의 싸움은 명량해전 있다 있어는 명량항해전으로 불린다.이순신 인솔하는 조선수군은 지형과 조류를 교묘하게 살리고, 불과 13척 정도의 군선을 가져 일본의 대군을 패주 시켜 대승리를 들었다고 한다.일본의 역사가의 저서에서도, 「일본수군은 완패」, 「일본수군의 서진 학사 그, 해상권은 조선측이 보관 유지했다」라고의 기술이 많다.본고에서는 한국 및 일본의 역사가 및 저술가의 명량해전에 관한 참조 가능한 여러 가지의 문헌을 총람 했다.그 결과, 이순신의 일기 및 포로가 된 양반, 강의 「간양록」 및 정희득의 「월봉해상록」의 기술을 근거로서조선수군은 일본수군의 선봉에 국부적 승리를 얻었지만, 재빨리 전장을 이탈해 해상권을 방폐해, 일본수군이 전라도 서해안에 침공했던 것이 분명하고, 대국적으로는 일본수군의 승리인 것을 논증했다.
키워드:명량, 이순신, 문녹·게이쵸의 역 , 수군
Abstract:In the battle of Myeongnyang, on October 1597, the Korean navy, led by Admiral Yi
Sun-sin, fought the Japanese navy in the Myeongnyang Strait, near Jindo Island, off the southwest
corner of the Korean peninsula.
In this paper we reviewed literature concerning this battle. Almost all Korean and Japanese
historians and writers wrote that Korean navy had gotten brilliant tactic victory, and had pushed
back Japanese navy. We checked two gentlemen’s books.「Ganyangrok」 written by Gang Hang,
and 「Wolbong haesangrok」 written by Jeong Hui-deuk. The authors of two books tell us that they
saw a number of Japanese war ships and were caught by Japanese navy at west coast of Cholla
province just after the battle. These facts show us that Korean navy did not push back Japanese
navy at Myeongnyang. And admiral Yi’s diary reports that he withdrew to north end of Cholla
province from the strait. Therefore we conclude that admiral Yi Sun-sin got tactical victory to the
vanguard of Japanese navy, and Japanese navy got general strategic victory at this battle.
Keywords:myeongnyang, naval battle, Yi Sun-sin, Imjin war


TOTAL: 57933

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