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SF会議で「鬱陵島とその付属島嶼」という扱いは無い。竹島(独島)は単独でTakeshima (Liancourt Rocks)だ。馬鹿。



Territorial Clauses

Article 3

1.The Territory of Japan shall comprise the four principal Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido and all adjacent minor islands, including the islands of the Inland sea(seto Naikai); Tsushima,Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks), Oki retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri and all other islands in the Japan Sea (Nippon Kai) within a line connecting the farther shores of Tsushima, Takeshima and Rebun; the Goto archipelago, the Ryukyu Islands north of 29° N. Latitude, and all other islanls of the East China Sea east of longtude 127° east of Greenwich and north of 29°N. Latitude; the Izu Islands southward to end including Sofu Gan (lot"s Wife) and all other islands of the Philippine Sea nearer to the four principal islands than the islands named; and the Habomai group and Shikotan lying to the east and south of a line extending from a point in 43°35” N.Latitude, 145°35” E. logitude to a point in 44°N. latitude, 146°30” E. longitude, and to the south of a line drawn due east on the parsllel in 44° N. Latitude. All of the islands identified above, with a three-mile belt of territorial waters, shall belong to Japan.

Article 6

Japan hereby renounces in favor Korea all rights and titles to the Korean mainland territory and all offshore Korean islands, including Quelpart (Saishu To), the Nan How group (San To, or Komun Do) which forms Port Hamilton (Tonaikai), Dagelet Island (Utsuryo To, or Matsu Shima), and all other offshore Korean islands and islets to which Japan had acquired title.

zeus1112p 바보에게

SF회의에서 「울릉도와 그 부속 크고 작은 섬들」이라고 하는 취급은 없다.타케시마(독도)는 단독으로Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks)다.바보.



Territorial Clauses

Article 3

1.The Territory of Japan shall comprise the four principal Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido and all adjacent minor islands, including the islands of the Inland sea(seto Naikai); Tsushima,Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks), Oki retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri and all other islands in the Japan Sea (Nippon Kai) within a line connecting the farther shores of Tsushima, Takeshima and Rebun; the Goto archipelago, the Ryukyu Islands north of 29° N. Latitude, and all other islanls of the East China Sea east of longtude 127° east of Greenwich and north of 29°N. Latitude; the Izu Islands southward to end including Sofu Gan (lot"s Wife) and all other islands of the Philippine Sea nearer to the four principal islands than the islands named; and the Habomai group and Shikotan lying to the east and south of a line extending from a point in 43䓣" N.Latitude, 145䓣" E. logitude to a point in 44°N. latitude, 146䓞" E. longitude, and to the south of a line drawn due east on the parsllel in 44° N. Latitude. All of the islands identified above, with a three-mile belt of territorial waters, shall belong to Japan.

Article 6

Japan hereby renounces in favor Korea all rights and titles to the Korean mainland territory and all offshore Korean islands, including Quelpart (Saishu To), the Nan How group (San To, or Komun Do) which forms Port Hamilton (Tonaikai), Dagelet Island (Utsuryo To, or Matsu Shima), and all other offshore Korean islands and islets to which Japan had acquired title.

TOTAL: 3051

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
2611 SCAPIN677について kikani 2023-03-05 220 0
2610 プレミアム写真とサイン kikani 2023-02-26 208 1
2609 嘘つき婆さんを告訴へ (1) kikani 2023-02-26 411 1
2608 本日の昼飯 (1) kikani 2023-02-25 288 0
2607 SCAPIN677(独島根拠) (3) kikani 2023-02-20 287 0
2606 銀河鉄道999(ウナチョルド999) (1) kikani 2023-02-20 388 0
2605 「ラスク書簡は無効、ダレス電文を....... (1) kikani 2023-02-19 264 0
2604 zeus1112p BABOへ (2) kikani 2023-02-19 144 0
2603 zeus1112p 馬鹿へ (10) kikani 2023-02-19 206 1
2602 SF講和会議(議事録) (9) kikani 2023-02-19 396 1
2601 zeus1112p 馬鹿へ (5) kikani 2023-02-19 222 0
2600 zeus1112p 馬鹿へ (4) kikani 2023-02-19 166 0
2599 1951年5月2日 独島が朝鮮半島対象外決....... kikani 2023-02-19 177 0
2598 ラスク書簡は無効、ダレス電文を見....... (33) kikani 2023-02-19 381 5
2597 何の建物か? (3) kikani 2023-02-19 302 0
2596 「ラスク書簡は無効、ダレス電文を....... (3) kikani 2023-02-18 377 1
2595 独島を日本に入れる通達(SF条約作成....... kikani 2023-02-17 229 0
2594 李在明逮捕 (4) kikani 2023-02-17 345 0
2593 疑問を持てば親日派と言われ.. (2) kikani 2023-02-16 395 1
2592 日本のだろという韓国人動画 (5) kikani 2023-02-14 441 1