Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks)を含む
Territorial Clauses
Article 3
1.The Territory of Japan shall comprise the four principal Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido and all adjacent minor islands, including the islands of the Inland sea(seto Naikai); Tsushima,Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks), Oki retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri and all other islands in the Japan Sea (Nippon Kai) within a line connecting the farther shores of Tsushima, Takeshima and Rebun; the Goto archipelago, the Ryukyu Islands north of 29° N. Latitude, and all other islanls of the East China Sea east of longtude 127° east of Greenwich and north of 29°N. Latitude; the Izu Islands southward to end including Sofu Gan (lot"s Wife) and all other islands of the Philippine Sea nearer to the four principal islands than the islands named; and the Habomai group and Shikotan lying to the east and south of a line extending from a point in 43°35” N.Latitude, 145°35” E. logitude to a point in 44°N. latitude, 146°30” E. longitude, and to the south of a line drawn due east on the parsllel in 44° N. Latitude. All of the islands identified above, with a three-mile belt of territorial waters, shall belong to Japan.
Article 6
Japan hereby renounces in favor Korea all rights and titles to the Korean mainland territory and all offshore Korean islands, including Quelpart (Saishu To), the Nan How group (San To, or Komun Do) which forms Port Hamilton (Tonaikai), Dagelet Island (Utsuryo To, or Matsu Shima), and all other offshore Korean islands and islets to which Japan had acquired title.
■1951年5月2日 日本の領域がわかるように日本が放棄する3個の島だけを条約に書く決定。つまり竹島は朝鮮半島対象外
Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet. 済州島、巨文島、鬱陵島
U.S. – U.K. Meeting on May 2, 1951[edit]
Anglo - American Meetings on Japanese Peace Treaty.
Summary Record of Seventh Meeting held at 10.30 a.m. on the 2nd May, in Washington
Present were:
United Kingdom
Mr. C.H. Johnston
Mr. G.G. Fitzmurice
Mr. F.A. Vallat
Mr. F.S. Tomlison
Mr. K.R.C. Pridham
United States
Mr. John M. Allison
Brig. Gen. Conrad Snow
Mr. Robert A. Fearly
Mr. Fitmaurice suggested that the United States Article 2 might well omitted, since it might be taken to imply that Japan"s sovereignty depended upon the present treaty, which was not the case. Mr. Allison said he would consider this point.
Both Delegations agreed that it would be preferable to specify only the territory over which Japan was renouncing sovereignty. In this connection, United States Article 3 would require the insertion of the three islands Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet. It was left undecided whether the sentence in British Article 2 requiring Japan to recognize whatever settlement the United Nations might make in Korea should be maintained or not. It was agreed that further consideration should be given to the drafting of the sentence dealing with Japan’s renunciation of her mandates.
2nd May, 1951
■SF조약 작성 회의에서 정해진 일본의 영역(미국안)
Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks)를 포함한다
Territorial Clauses
Article 3
1.The Territory of Japan shall comprise the four principal Japanese islands of Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido and all adjacent minor islands, including the islands of the Inland sea(seto Naikai); Tsushima,Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks), Oki retto, Sado, Okujiri, Rebun, Riishiri and all other islands in the Japan Sea (Nippon Kai) within a line connecting the farther shores of Tsushima, Takeshima and Rebun; the Goto archipelago, the Ryukyu Islands north of 29° N. Latitude, and all other islanls of the East China Sea east of longtude 127° east of Greenwich and north of 29°N. Latitude; the Izu Islands southward to end including Sofu Gan (lot"s Wife) and all other islands of the Philippine Sea nearer to the four principal islands than the islands named; and the Habomai group and Shikotan lying to the east and south of a line extending from a point in 43䓣" N.Latitude, 145䓣" E. logitude to a point in 44°N. latitude, 146䓞" E. longitude, and to the south of a line drawn due east on the parsllel in 44° N. Latitude. All of the islands identified above, with a three-mile belt of territorial waters, shall belong to Japan.
Article 6
Japan hereby renounces in favor Korea all rights and titles to the Korean mainland territory and all offshore Korean islands, including Quelpart (Saishu To), the Nan How group (San To, or Komun Do) which forms Port Hamilton (Tonaikai), Dagelet Island (Utsuryo To, or Matsu Shima), and all other offshore Korean islands and islets to which Japan had acquired title.
■1951년 5월 2일 일본의 영역을 알 수 있도록(듯이) 일본이 방폐하는 3개의 섬만을 조약에 쓰는 결정.즉 타케시마는 한반도 대상외
Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet. 제주도, 거문도, 울릉도
U.S. U.K. Meeting on May 2, 1951[edit]
Anglo - American Meetings on Japanese Peace Treaty.
Summary Record of Seventh Meeting held at 10.30 a.m. on the 2nd May, in Washington
Present were:
United Kingdom
Mr. C.H. Johnston
Mr. G.G. Fitzmurice
Mr. F.A. Vallat
Mr. F.S. Tomlison
Mr. K.R.C. Pridham
United States
Mr. John M. Allison
Brig. Gen. Conrad Snow
Mr. Robert A. Fearly
Mr. Fitmaurice suggested that the United States Article 2 might well omitted, since it might be taken to imply that Japan"s sovereignty depended upon the present treaty, which was not the case. Mr. Allison said he would consider this point.
Both Delegations agreed that it would be preferable to specify only the territory over which Japan was renouncing sovereignty. In this connection, United States Article 3 would require the insertion of the three islands Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet. It was left undecided whether the sentence in British Article 2 requiring Japan to recognize whatever settlement the United Nations might make in Korea should be maintained or not. It was agreed that further consideration should be given to the drafting of the sentence dealing with Japans renunciation of her mandates.
2nd May, 1951