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5 Countries that Produce the Best Beef in the World

In this piece, we will take a look at the five countries that produce the best beef in the world. For more countries, head on over to 15 Countries that Produce the Best Beef in the World.


5. Federative Republic of Brazil

Insider Monkey’s Score: 2

Beef Exports in 2021: $6.9 billion

Brazil is a global beef powerhouse, since it is the world’s largest exporter of frozen beef, with the exports weighing an absolutely massive 1.3 million tons and being valued at a whopping $6.9 billion in 2021. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise that Brazil is also home to one of the world’s largest beef companies – JBS S.A. (OTCMKTS:JBSAY). JBS is a global firm, with subsidiaries in several countries.

4. United States of America

Insider Monkey’s Score: 3

Beef Exports in 2021: $4.5 billion

The United States of America, or the U.S., is the world’s largest economy. The U.S. has a strong agricultural base and one which also benefits from its technological prowess. America is the world’s largest beef exporter after Brazil, having sold $4.5 billion worth of frozen beef to the world in 2021. American beef is primarily fed on grain and soy, lending it a distinct flavor. Some of the largest beef producing companies in the country are Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN), Cargill, and JBS USA Holdings, Inc.

3. Republic of Poland

Insider Monkey’s Score: 4

Beef Exports in 2021: $491 million

The Republic of Poland is a Central European country with a GDP per capita of $44,249. It is also one of Europe’s largest beef exporters, with the majority of its products exported particularly to Europe. Poland also claims to produce some of the best beef in the world, through animals that are not GMO fed, or given antibiotics, or hormones. Some large beef producing entities in the country are the Cedrob Group and Agraimpex.

2. Japan

Insider Monkey’s Score: 7

Beef Exports in 2021: $491 million

Japan is an Asian economic powerhouse and a country that is famous all over the world for its beef. Some of the best known beef varieties in the world are from Japan, with the well known variants being the Kobe and Wagyu beef families. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Japan scored the highest on our list, and its 4,388 tons of beef were worth $491 million on the global export market in 2021, making it the most valuable per kilogram as well.


1. Argentine Republic

Insider Monkey’s Score: 7

Beef Exports in 2021: $1.9 billion

The Argentine Republic, or Argentina, is a South American country. It relies primarily on agricultural exports for its foreign exchange income, with corn, wheat, and other products representing a large portion of the exports. Argentina has several different cattle breeds such as Zebu, Holando-Argentina, and Aberdeen Angus. Some beef companies in the country are Rolly Beef S.A. and Alimentos Magros S.A.


어?그 나라가 있어요?

5 Countries that Produce the Best Beef in the World

In this piece, we will take a look at the five countries that produce the best beef in the world. For more countries, head on over to15 Countries that Produce the Best Beef in the World.

이번은, 세계 제일 맛있는 쇠고기를 생산하고 있는 5개의 나라를 소개합니다.그 외의 나라에 대해서는, 「세계에서 가장 맛있는 쇠고기를 생산하는 15개국」을 봐 주세요.

5. Federative Republic of Brazil

Insider Monkey’s Score: 2

Beef Exports in 2021:$6.9 billion

Brazil is a global beef powerhouse, since it is the world’s largest exporter of frozen beef, with the exports weighing an absolutely massive 1.3 million tons and being valued at a whopping $6.9 billion in 2021. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise that Brazil is also home to one of the world’s largest beef companies – JBS S.A. (OTCMKTS:JBSAY). JBS is a global firm, with subsidiaries in several countries.

4. United States of America

Insider Monkey’s Score: 3

Beef Exports in 2021:$4.5 billion

The United States of America, or the U.S., is the world’s largest economy. The U.S. has a strong agricultural base and one which also benefits from its technological prowess. America is the world’s largest beef exporter after Brazil, having sold $4.5 billion worth of frozen beef to the world in 2021. American beef is primarily fed on grain and soy, lending it a distinct flavor. Some of the largest beef producing companies in the country are Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE:TSN), Cargill, and JBS USA Holdings, Inc.

3. Republic of Poland

Insider Monkey’s Score: 4

Beef Exports in 2021:$491 million

The Republic of Poland is a Central European country with a GDP per capita of $44,249. It is also one of Europe’s largest beef exporters, with the majority of its products exported particularly to Europe. Poland also claims to produce some of the best beef in the world, through animals that are not GMO fed, or given antibiotics, or hormones. Some large beef producing entities in the country are the Cedrob Group and Agraimpex.

2. Japan

Insider Monkey’s Score: 7

Beef Exports in 2021:$491 million

Japan is an Asian economic powerhouse and a country that is famous all over the world for its beef. Some of the best known beef varieties in the world are from Japan, with the well known variants being the Kobe and Wagyu beef families. Therefore, it’s no surprise that Japan scored the highest on our list, and its 4,388 tons of beef were worth $491 million on the global export market in 2021, making it the most valuable per kilogram as well.

일본은 아시아의 경제대국이며, 세계적으로 유명한 쇠고기의 나라이다.세계에서 가장 유명한 쇠고기의 품종은 일본산으로, 잘 알려져 있는 것은 코베소나 일본소의 계통이다.따라서, 일본이 우리의 리스트로 최고 득점을 획득한 것은 당연한 일로, 그 4,388톤의 쇠고기는 2021년의 세계 수출 시장에서 4억 9100만 달러의 가치가 있어, 킬로그램 근처의 가치도 가장 높은 것이 되고 있습니다.

1. Argentine Republic

Insider Monkey’s Score: 7

Beef Exports in 2021:$1.9 billion

The Argentine Republic, or Argentina, is a South American country. It relies primarily on agricultural exports for its foreign exchange income, with corn, wheat, and other products representing a large portion of the exports. Argentina has several different cattle breeds such as Zebu, Holando-Argentina, and Aberdeen Angus. Some beef companies in the country are Rolly Beef S.A. and Alimentos Magros S.A.

K-나라는 나머지의 10국에도 포함되지 않은 것으로 알고 있습니다 w

TOTAL: 3189

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