時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 legal under international law?

The annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910 is a complex and controversial issue, and opinions on its legality under international law vary.

Some argue that the annexation was a clear violation of international law, as it involved the use of military force by one sovereign state to absorb the territory of another sovereign state without the latter"s consent. This argument is based on the principles of the contemporary international legal system, which recognizes the principle of state sovereignty and the inviolability of territorial borders.

Others, however, argue that the annexation was a legal and valid act under the international legal system of the time. They point to the lack of a clear and widely recognized framework for the protection of state sovereignty and the right of self-determination at the time of the annexation. In addition, they argue that the international community, including the major powers, failed to effectively intervene and stop the annexation, suggesting that the act was considered acceptable under the prevailing norms of international relations at the time.

In any case, the annexation of Korea by Japan is widely regarded as a traumatic event in Korean history, and its legacy continues to shape the political, economic, and cultural relationships between Korea and Japan to this day.



Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 legal under international law?

Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 1910 legal under international law?

The annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910 is a complex and controversial issue, and opinions on its legality under international law vary.

Some argue that the annexation was a clear violation of international law, as it involved the use of military force by one sovereign state to absorb the territory of another sovereign state without the latter"s consent. This argument is based on the principles of the contemporary international legal system, which recognizes the principle of state sovereignty and the inviolability of territorial borders.

Others, however, argue that the annexation was a legal and valid act under the international legal system of the time. They point to the lack of a clear and widely recognized framework for the protection of state sovereignty and the right of self-determination at the time of the annexation. In addition, they argue that the international community, including the major powers, failed to effectively intervene and stop the annexation, suggesting that the act was considered acceptable under the prevailing norms of international relations at the time.

In any case, the annexation of Korea by Japan is widely regarded as a traumatic event in Korean history, and its legacy continues to shape the political, economic, and cultural relationships between Korea and Japan to this day.

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TOTAL: 5101

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
4861 口は No Japan, 下半身は親日....... copysaru07 2023-02-25 237 1
4860 cool japan 過半数で....... nagoyagirl 2023-02-25 169 0
4859 No Japanは成功した (3) propertyOfJapan 2023-02-20 243 0
4858 No Japanの本質 p(^-^)q (2) 李舜臣二等兵 2023-02-20 233 0
4857 No Japanの成功条件 p(^-^)q (5) 李舜臣二等兵 2023-02-20 287 1
4856 NO JAPANの思い出 (2) JAPAV57 2023-02-20 379 1
4855 NO! JAPANは成功した.. (2) propertyOfJapan 2023-02-20 250 0
4854 どうしたNo-Japan (1) kenford 2023-02-15 290 0
4853 NO JAPAN Kリーグ何で日本に来....... (4) JAPAV57 2023-02-14 468 2
4852 韓国はいつも yes japan した. (7) あかさたなはまやら 2023-02-13 362 1
4851 Is Japan"s annexation of Korea in 191....... (8) mikanseijin 2023-02-12 253 0
4850 chatGPTに聞いてみた「韓国が No jap....... (2) ヤンバン3 2023-02-12 218 0
4849 NO JAPAN 韓国プロ野球何故日....... JAPAV57 2023-02-12 244 0
4848 人気ない japan expo vs 大スタ....... (1) kisida 2023-02-12 130 1
4847 国策 Cool Japanが失....... (7) propertyOfJapan 2023-02-11 184 0
4846 japanの略称を (2) amateras16 2023-02-09 175 0
4845 日本の Cool Japanは....... (3) Temurfoo 2023-02-08 218 0
4844 Japan empire navy of 1941 was (1) 大北韓国 2023-02-07 204 0
4843 人気ない japan expo vs 大スタ....... dokugawa 2023-02-06 152 0
4842 順調だった頃のno japan (3) eastsea100 2023-02-06 376 0