Announcement of the results of the 「2021 Survey on the Homeless, etc.」
- Compared to 2016, the total number of homeless people and the rate of
problem drinking decreased, and subjective health status improved, but Amid the increase in the unemployment rate due to COVID-19, difficulties in finding a job, decrease in the use of social welfare services, etc.-
∎ Number of homeless: (2016) 11,340 → (2021) 8,956, △2,384 (△21.0%)
- Scale of homeless people (including residents of small rooms): (‘16) 17,532 → (‘21) 14,404, △3,128 (△17.8%)
∎ Number of female homeless
people: 71.9% (6,439 people) male, 27.8% (2,493 people) female, unknown
(24 people) out of the total number of homeless people (8,956 people)
- Number of female street homeless: (‘16) 128 → (‘21) 146, +18
∎ Status of homeless people by housing type
A. Street homeless: (2021)
1,595 people, number of users of street homelessness and use facilities
(temporary shelter/comprehensive support center)
① (Distribution by region) 74.6% (1,189 persons) of the total street homelessness are distributed in the metropolitan area
* (Number of homeless people on the street) Metropolitan area 1,189
(Seoul 932+Gyeonggi 216+Incheon 41), Busan/Daegu 131 each, Daejeon 41,
Chungnam 40
② (Occasion of homelessness) Among all respondents, 42.4% lost their
job, 17.5% lost business, and 8.9% divorced or disbanded family.
③ (Number of years elapsed since the first street homelessness
experience) 5 years or more 56.0%, 1 year or more but less than 5 years
31.1%, less than 1 year 12.9%, etc.
B. Facility Homeless:
(2021) 7,361, Number of residents in living facilities for the homeless
(self-rehabilitation/rehabilitation/nursing facilities)
① (Age distribution) 32.7% of all homeless people aged 65 or older*, 5.3% of young people aged 20-39
* (Ratio of the elderly homeless) Nursing facilities 39.5%,
rehabilitation facilities 32.8%, self-sufficiency facilities 14.7%
② (Ratio of registered disabled persons) 52.2% of all homeless persons admitted to facilities
③ (Percentage of residents for more than 10 years) Total 53.6%,
Nursing facilities 67.8%, Rehabilitation facilities 58.7%,
Self-sufficiency facilities 0.8%
C. Jjokbang Residents: (2021) 5,448 Jjokbang Residents consulting and managing 10 Jjokbang Counseling Centers in 5 regions
① (Distribution by region) Seoul 5 locations 2,755, Busan 2
locations 916, Daegu 1 location 713, Incheon 1 location 461, Daejeon 1
location 603
② (Number of years of living in a jjokbang) 5 years or more 63.4%, 1
year or more but less than 5 years 29.4%, less than 1 year 7.3%
③ (Social welfare service use rate) Basic living allowance 59.3%,
housing benefit 57.0%, medical benefit 52.9%, free meal 63.9%, in-kind
support 60.8%, etc.
kotatsuneko2#kotatsuneko2 22-11-22 21:05
22-11-22 21:21
Announcement of the results of the 「2021 Survey on the Homeless, etc.」
- Compared to 2016, the total number of homeless people and the rate of
problem drinking decreased, and subjective health status improved, but Amid the increase in the unemployment rate due to COVID-19, difficulties in finding a job, decrease in the use of social welfare services, etc.-
Number of homeless: (2016) 11,340 → (2021) 8,956, △2,384 (△21.0%)
- Scale of homeless people (including residents of small rooms): (㢴) 17,532 → (㢹) 14,404, △3,128 (△17.8%)
Number of female homeless
people: 71.9% (6,439 people) male, 27.8% (2,493 people) female, unknown
(24 people) out of the total number of homeless people (8,956 people)
- Number of female street homeless: (㢴) 128 → (㢹) 146, +18
Status of homeless people by housing type
A. Street homeless: (2021)
1,595 people, number of users of street homelessness and use facilities
(temporary shelter/comprehensive support center)
① (Distribution by region) 74.6% (1,189 persons) of the total street homelessness are distributed in the metropolitan area
* (Number of homeless people on the street) Metropolitan area 1,189
(Seoul 932+Gyeonggi 216+Incheon 41), Busan/Daegu 131 each, Daejeon 41,
Chungnam 40
② (Occasion of homelessness) Among all respondents, 42.4% lost their
job, 17.5% lost business, and 8.9% divorced or disbanded family.
③ (Number of years elapsed since the first street homelessness
experience) 5 years or more 56.0%, 1 year or more but less than 5 years
31.1%, less than 1 year 12.9%, etc.
B. Facility Homeless:
(2021) 7,361, Number of residents in living facilities for the homeless
(self-rehabilitation/rehabilitation/nursing facilities)
① (Age distribution) 32.7% of all homeless people aged 65 or older*, 5.3% of young people aged 20-39
* (Ratio of the elderly homeless) Nursing facilities 39.5%,
rehabilitation facilities 32.8%, self-sufficiency facilities 14.7%
② (Ratio of registered disabled persons) 52.2% of all homeless persons admitted to facilities
③ (Percentage of residents for more than 10 years) Total 53.6%,
Nursing facilities 67.8%, Rehabilitation facilities 58.7%,
Self-sufficiency facilities 0.8%
C. Jjokbang Residents: (2021) 5,448 Jjokbang Residents consulting and managing 10 Jjokbang Counseling Centers in 5 regions
① (Distribution by region) Seoul 5 locations 2,755, Busan 2
locations 916, Daegu 1 location 713, Incheon 1 location 461, Daejeon 1
location 603
② (Number of years of living in a jjokbang) 5 years or more 63.4%, 1
year or more but less than 5 years 29.4%, less than 1 year 7.3%
③ (Social welfare service use rate) Basic living allowance 59.3%,
housing benefit 57.0%, medical benefit 52.9%, free meal 63.9%, in-kind
support 60.8%, etc.
이 정의는 각국에서 달라, 예를 들어 영국에서는 「집이 있어도 경제적인 이유로 유지할 수 없는 사람」이나 「친구의 집에 식객 하고 있는 사람」, 「28일 이내에 집을 잃을 가능성이 있는 사람」 등, 불안정한 거주 상태에 있는 사람, 주택 상실 리스크가 있는 사람, 도 노상에서 자고 일어나기 하는 사람과 같게 「노숙자 지원」의 대상으로 하고 있습니다.
일본에서 법적(2002년 노숙자의 자립의 지원등에 관한 특별 조치법보다)으로 정해져 있는 「노숙자」의 정의는, 「도시 공원, 하천, 도로, 역사 그 외의 시설을 이유없이 기거의 장소로 해, 일상생활을 영위하고 있는 사람」에게 한정되어 있습니다.
후생 노동성의 2022년도 조사에 의하면, 전국의 노상에서 생활하는 사람의 수는 3,448명.동조사의 15년전의 인원수 18,564명과 비교하면,8할 정도 감소한됩니다.그러나 한편,안정된 주거가 없는 상태로 넷 카페등을 이용하는 사람은, 도내에서만 하룻밤에 4,000명 있다고 추계되고 있습니다(2018년
도쿄도 조사).이른바 「넷 카페 난민」을 시작으로 하는, 통계에 나타나지 않는 「안보이는 노숙자」의 수를 맞추면, 심대한 수의 사람이, 지금도 불안정한 거처에서 밤을 보내고 있다고 생각할 수 있습니다.
kotatsuneko2#kotatsuneko2 22-11-22 21:05
체중 60 kg의 일본인 더 원숭이씨, 오늘도 마마가 사준 바타스콘을 먹어 다닙니까?
22-11-22 21:21