時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

On top of this, the signing of the proclamation was completed with a normal pen, rather than an official pen.

Carlos Fernandez Ojea tweeted: ‘In one of the most transcendental moments of UK’s modern History, the signing of the proclamation of the new King Charles III, someone forgot to provide a proper pen. Point goes for #pilotpen. #CharlesIII’

    In one of the most transcendental moments of UK’s modern History, the signing of the proclamation of the new King Charles III, someone forgot to provide a proper pen. Point goes for #pilotpen. #CharlesIII pic.twitter.com/vsb4Xg9R0p— Carlos Fernandez Ojea (@cfo_eu) September 10, 2022






Britain"s King Charles III was seen annoyed when ink from a pen got on his hand while signing a guest book while visiting Hillsboro Castle near Belfast, Northern Ireland, on the 13th (local time).  SNS capture



MabikiSesame#MabikiSesame    22-10-27 11:37    


pood#pood    22-10-27 11:45    


MabikiSesame > これですね. w 和製の性能のためイギリス王室が怒り w


参考 https://www.kjclub.com/jp/board/exc_board_9/view/id/3592555



찰즈 3세의 예의 행위의 이유(2)

On top of this, the signing of the proclamation was completed with a normal pen, rather than an official pen.

Carlos Fernandez Ojea tweeted: ‘In one of the most transcendental moments of UK’s modern History, the signing of the proclamation of the new King Charles III, someone forgot to provide a proper pen. Point goes for #pilotpen. #CharlesIII’

In one of the most transcendental moments of UKâs modern History, the signing of the proclamation of the new King Charles III, someone forgot to provide a proper pen. Point goes for #pilotpen. #CharlesIII pic.twitter.com/vsb4Xg9R0p— Carlos Fernandez Ojea (@cfo_eu) September 10, 2022

잘 본다고 압니다만, 이 화상 자체는 노우 포크공의 서명의 장면입니다.(왼손잡이)

이 후, 찰즈 3세가 V-Pen로부터 공식의 만년필에 가져 바꾸고 있습니다.

일반적으로는, 공식의 장소에서 시판의 사인펜이 사용된 것을 논하고 있습니다.

그렇다면 수성 사인펜이었기 때문에 w


Britain"s King Charles III was seen annoyed when ink from a pen got on his hand while signing a guest book while visiting Hillsboro Castle near Belfast, Northern Ireland, on the 13th (local time). SNS capture

이 화상은 다른 때의 것으로, 잉크가 흩날렸다고 했습니다.

그리고, 약속 대로, 한국인이 V-Pen가 흩날려 폐를 끼쳤다고 날조 한 것입니다.

그렇게 해서 보면 일본제 싸구려 만년필이 스코틀랜드에서 영국왕의 심기를 접해 다이몬제가 된 것 같다 w

pood#pood 22-10-27 11:45
MabikiSesame > 이것이군요. w 일본제의 성능이기 때문에 영국 왕실이 화내 w


참고 https://www.kjclub.com/jp/board/exc_board_9/view/id/3592555


별개라고 생각합니다만 wwwwwwww

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