時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

pood#pood             22-10-18 12:56        

mikanseijin ←

Tarako initially appeared in Korea during the Joseon era and made its way to Japan during the early Edo period.

mentaiko made its way from Busan to Fukuoka shortly after WWII where it soon became Fukuoka’s regional specialty.


tarakoも, mentaikoも, 韓国で来由されたと書いていますね. ^^;

pood#pood    22-10-18 13:00    

たらこだと書けば kj 翻訳で tarakoと翻訳されるね.

The short version for their similarity is that mentaiko is tarako, but tarako is not necessarily mentaiko. To throw some confusion into the mix, mentaiko is the word for tarako in the Fukuoka dialect – they originally meant the same thing.

Both mentaiko and tarako are salted pollack and cod roe and are purchased either chilled or frozen. They both are used in a variety of simple recipes, are both popular across Japan, and can be readily found in nearly any supermarket.

Mentaiko, on the other hand, is a soft pink to a vibrant red in colour and is marinated in varied chilies and spices to create a variety of flavour profiles. Originally, mentaiko made its way from Busan to Fukuoka shortly after WWII where it soon became Fukuoka’s regional specialty. It is there that you will find the biggest selection and variety to sample from.


Donovan 훈에는 같은 것으로 보이는 것 같습니다 www

pood#pood 22-10-18 12:56

mikanseijin ←
Tarako initially appeared in Korea during the Joseon era and made its way to Japan during the early Edo period.
mentaiko made its way from Busan to Fukuoka shortly after WWII where it soon became Fukuoka’s regional specialty.
tarako도, mentaiko도, 한국에서 와 사정 되었다고 쓰고 있군요. ^^;
pood#pood 22-10-18 13:00
명란젓이라고 쓰면 kj 번역으로 tarako라고 번역되는군.

The short version for their similarity is that mentaiko is tarako, but tarako is not necessarily mentaiko. To throw some confusion into the mix, mentaiko is the word for tarako in the Fukuoka dialect – they originally meant the same thing.

Both mentaiko and tarako are salted pollack and cod roe and are purchased either chilled or frozen. They both are used in a variety of simple recipes, are both popular across Japan, and can be readily found in nearly any supermarket.

Mentaiko, on the other hand, is a soft pink to a vibrant red in colour and is marinated in varied chilies and spices to create a variety of flavour profiles. Originally, mentaiko made its way from Busan to Fukuoka shortly after WWII where it soon became Fukuoka’s regional specialty. It is there that you will find the biggest selection and variety to sample from.

Donovan 훈, 너는 좀 더 일본어의 공부가 필요해요 www
(아마, 영어도 위험하다)

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