時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments




Collect white eggs and put them in flour, knead them or cut them.
Pull out the noodles by pressing on the noodles.
It is boiled like regular noodles and rolled up in oily pheasant boiled water.
Garnish is served like noodles.


Put the buckwheat flour on a fine sieve, mix it with the fine flour, knead it, and cut it into thin slices and boil it.
Roll it in omijakuk and put pine nuts as a garnish.



이 속도라면 붙일 수 있는


왠지 한국의 칼국수가게에서 사용되고 있는 면절부엌칼은 일본식.

(당연, 외날입니다)

Collect white eggs and put them in flour, knead them or cut them.
Pull out the noodles by pressing on the noodles.
It is boiled like regular noodles and rolled up in oily pheasant boiled water.
Garnish is served like noodles.


Put the buckwheat flour on a fine sieve, mix it with the fine flour, knead it, and cut it into thin slices and boil it.
Roll it in omijakuk and put pine nuts as a garnish.

한국인이 말하는 근거는 이것 뿐입니다.

그리고 19 세기가 되어 간신히 재차 나옵니다.

TOTAL: 2682277

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3/31(水) パッチ内容案内させていただ… 관리자 2023-03-24 206910 18
2682277 永遠のライバル (7) sonhee123 12:59 15 0
2682276 韓国旅客機事故、大半が死亡 (2) bluebluebluu 12:58 23 0
2682275 日本人は忘れない (1) executioner3 12:58 17 0
2682274 韓国人の機長に命を預けることが出....... (1) executioner3 12:51 53 0
2682273 李在明の権力縦横に天が怒る くろやぎ 12:49 56 0
2682272 チェジュ航空事故、尹錫悦強運の持....... (4) uenomuxo 12:35 93 0
2682271 事故大国の韓国でまた大事故発生! (2) あまちょん 12:30 67 0
2682270 不幸中)事故機に日本人無しの模様....... (4) uenomuxo 12:29 58 0
2682269 オーバーラン (1) unaginoxxx 12:26 61 0
2682268 次期大統領候補、李在明 (2) kimjungnam 12:25 52 0
2682267 世界各国首脳からお見舞いメッセー....... (1) uenomuxo 12:21 68 0
2682266 原因何?エンジン火災?  (2) げきちん 12:19 69 0
2682265 ジェット機墜落=心からお見舞い申....... (1) ドンガバ 12:19 87 0
2682264 尹大統領は逃げ切れるか? (1) kimjungnam 12:18 36 0
2682263 済州航空事故で助かった乗客の心配....... inunabeya18 12:17 88 0
2682262 燃料も捨ててない、消防車の待機も....... (4) 夢夢夢 12:16 112 1
2682261 風呂の湯気は水蒸気? (21) ひょうたんでしょう 12:05 81 1
2682260 日本にはないヘリ Computertop6 11:53 51 0
2682259 日本沈沒 RibenChenmo 11:53 47 0
2682258 オーバーランのない画期的空港提案....... (4) uenomuxo 11:50 102 0