時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

(※ ネイバー機械翻訳)

2021年 5月 26日カリン章ピエールホワイトハウス首席代弁人の言論ブリーフィング

Q Thanks, Karine.  A follow-up on the Olympics question that came up in the briefing either yesterday or the day before: Today, a major Japanese newspaper put out an editorial calling for the cancellation of the Olympics, saying that it is not rational to hold the games this summer.

Q. ありがとう, カリン. 昨日または一昨日ブリーフィングから出たオリンピック質問に対する後続措置: 今日日本の一与えてください新聞は今夏オリンピックを開催することは合理的ではないとオリンピック取り消しを促す社説を出しました.

So, given Japan’s low vaccination rate, as well as the State Department bluntly telling Americans, “Do not travel to Japan,” is there any second guessing on the part of the administration to move forward and concern about athletes’ safety?

そうだったら, 日本の低いワクチン接種率と国務省がアメリカ人たちに “日本に旅行するな”とぶっきらぼうに言うことを見る時, これから進まなければならない行政府に対してそして選手たちの安全に対して憂慮することがまたあるか?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Well, first, let me just be very clear: The—the trivel—the travel advisory is a advisory; it’s not a ban.  But, you know, our positions remains we—has not changed on the Olympics.

MS. 章ピエール: うーん, まず, とても明らかに申し上げます. 旅行の - 旅行助言は助言です. それは禁止事項ではないです. しかし, 分かるように, オリンピックでの我々の立場(入場)は変わらなかったです.

You know, we respected the decision to delay the Olympics—the Games—last summer, and we understand the careful consideration that the Japanese government and the International Olympic Committee are weighing as they prepare for the Tokyo Olympics that’s just coming up right around the corner.

おわかりの通り, 私たちは去る夏オリンピックを演技する事にした決定を尊重しました. そして日本政府と国際オリンピック委員会がもうちょうど鼻先に迫っている東京オリンピックを準備しながら計っている愼重な考慮を理解しています.

So, the Government of Japan has stressed that the public health remains the central priority as they plan to host the Games.  Tokyo has assured us that they will keep in close contact with Washington as they—as their plans develop.

そのため, 日本政府はオリンピック開催を計画しているから公衆保健が相変らず一番重要な優先順位で残っている強調して来た. 日本政府は彼らの計画が発展するによってアメリカと緊密に接触すると私たちに壮語した.

And the President proudly supports the U.S. athletes who are—who have trained for these games and will be competing in the best traditions, if you will, of the Olympic spirit.  And so, America’s Olympic athletes represent the very best of our determination, diversity, and teamwork.

そして大統領は誇らしくアメリカ選手たちを支持しています. 彼らはこの大会のために訓練したしオリンピック精神の最高伝統で競争するでしょう. それでアメリカのオリンピック選手たちは私たちの決断力, 多様性, チームワークの中で一番良いことを代表する.


先月, 日米首脳会談共同声明

President Biden supports Prime Minister Suga’s efforts to hold a safe and secure Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.


ところでも大統領は今夏, 安全で安心することができるオリンピック・パラリンピック大会を開催するためのスが総理の努力を支持する.



解釈 ; うん? お前オリンピックしようと?? 応援するよ!! しかし, 偉いように飛ばした空手票(空手形)は忘れてはいけない ^^;

올림픽 개최에 대한 아메리까사마의 전폭적 지지를 얻은DeShow!의 슬픈 진실

(※ 네이버 기계번역)

2021년 5월 26일 카린 장 피에르 백악관 수석 대변인의 언론 브리핑

Q Thanks, Karine.  A follow-up on the Olympics question that came up in the briefing either yesterday or the day before: Today, a major Japanese newspaper put out an editorial calling for the cancellation of the Olympics, saying that it is not rational to hold the games this summer. 

Q. 고마워, 카린. 어제 또는 그제 브리핑에서 나온 올림픽 질문에 대한 후속 조치: 오늘 일본의 한 주요 신문은 올 여름 올림픽을 개최하는 것은 합리적이지 않다며 올림픽 취소를 촉구하는 사설을 내놨습니다.

So, given Japan’s low vaccination rate, as well as the State Department bluntly telling Americans, “Do not travel to Japan,” is there any second guessing on the part of the administration to move forward and concern about athletes’ safety?

그렇다면, 일본의 낮은 백신 접종율과 국무부가 미국인들에게 "일본으로 여행하지 말라"고 무뚝뚝하게 말하는 것을 볼 때, 앞으로 나아가야 할 행정부에 대해 그리고 선수들의 안전에 대해 우려하는 것이 또 있을까?

MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Well, first, let me just be very clear: The — the trivel — the travel advisory is a advisory; it’s not a ban.  But, you know, our positions remains we — has not changed on the Olympics. 

MS. 장 피에르: 음, 우선, 아주 분명하게 말씀드리죠. 여행의 - 여행 조언은 조언입니다. 그것은 금지사항이 아닙니다. 하지만, 알다시피, 올림픽에서의 우리의 입장은 변하지 않았습니다.

You know, we respected the decision to delay the Olympics — the Games — last summer, and we understand the careful consideration that the Japanese government and the International Olympic Committee are weighing as they prepare for the Tokyo Olympics that’s just coming up right around the corner. 

아시다시피, 우리는 지난 여름 올림픽을 연기하기로 한 결정을 존중했습니다. 그리고 일본 정부와 국제 올림픽 위원회가 이제 막 코앞에 다가온 도쿄 올림픽을 준비하면서 저울질하고 있는 신중한 고려를 이해하고 있습니다.

So, the Government of Japan has stressed that the public health remains the central priority as they plan to host the Games.  Tokyo has assured us that they will keep in close contact with Washington as they — as their plans develop. 

그래서, 일본 정부는 올림픽 개최를 계획하고 있기 때문에 공중 보건이 여전히 가장 중요한 우선순위로 남아있다고 강조해왔다. 일본 정부는 그들의 계획이 발전함에 따라 미국과 긴밀히 접촉할 것이라고 우리에게 장담했다.

And the President proudly supports the U.S. athletes who are — who have trained for these games and will be competing in the best traditions, if you will, of the Olympic spirit.  And so, America’s Olympic athletes represent the very best of our determination, diversity, and teamwork. 

그리고 대통령은 자랑스럽게 미국 선수들을 지지하고 있습니다. 그들은 이 대회를 위해 훈련했고 올림픽 정신의 최고 전통에서 경쟁할 것입니다. 그래서 미국의 올림픽 선수들은 우리의 결단력, 다양성, 팀워크 중 가장 좋은 것을 대표한다.


지난달, 미일 정상회담 공동성명

President Biden supports Prime Minister Suga’s efforts to hold a safe and secure Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.


바이든 대통령은 올여름, 안전하고 안심할 수 있는 올림픽·패럴림픽대회를 개최하기 위한 스가 총리의 노력을 지지한다.



해석 ; 응? 너 올림픽하려고?? 응원할께!! 하지만, 잘난 듯이 날린 공수표(空手形)는 잊으면 안된단다 ^^;

TOTAL: 7581

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
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