1951年8月10日米国国務省 → 韓国政府
説明「SCAPIN677(MacArthur line)の有効期間はSF条約発効までとなります。」
「・・・・It is desired to point out, however, that the so-called MacArthur line will stand until the treaty comes into force, and that Korea, which obtains the benefits of Article 9, will have the opportunity of negotiating a fishing agreement with Japan prior to that date.」
SCAPIN677 독도 한국 영토 니다!
1951년 8월 10 일·미 나라들무성 → 한국 정부
설명 「SCAPIN677(MacArthur line)의 유효기간은 SF조약발효까지됩니다.」
「····It is desired to point out, however, that the so-called MacArthur line will stand until the treaty comes into force, and that Korea, which obtains the benefits of Article 9, will have the opportunity of negotiating a fishing agreement with Japan prior to that date.」
SCAPIN677 독도 근거 붕괴!