時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments





Pink Ribbon Charity Event
Pink ribbons, and the colour pink in general, are most commonly seen during the (International) Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual health campaign organised by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness and raise funds to fight the disease.
Inspired by truck manufacturers and truckers from around the world, this October we are proud to be joining the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness campaign! We’re asking the community to join us in supporting this great cause by delivering Pink Ribbon goods across Europe and the USA in our international Pink Ribbon Charity World of Trucks event.

To further help spread the word, we"ve created our very own Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC for this event. We will be donating 100% of our Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC proceeds to reputable Breast Cancer research and awareness charities, starting with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer. We hope that the list of charities we contribute to will grow as we collect more money over time.









ついでに「Pink Ribbon Charity Pack」を購入汁。





분명히 말해 놈등보다 재미있는 이벤트가 가득한w

럭비나 하극상 이벤트(오늘 밤의 허진군VS한신)라든지....

노벨증 발병할까?도 놓칠 수 없고.

모처에서 좋은 오파이를 뒤따라 말하고 있는 이상 이것도 제외할 수 없고 w

Pink Ribbon Charity Event
Pink ribbons, and the colour pink in general, are most commonly seen during the (International) Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual health campaign organised by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness and raise funds to fight the disease.
Inspired by truck manufacturers and truckers from around the world, this October we are proud to be joining the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness campaign! We’re asking the community to join us in supporting this great cause by delivering Pink Ribbon goods across Europe and the USA in our international Pink Ribbon Charity World of Trucks event.

To further help spread the word, we"ve created our very own Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC for this event. We will be donating 100% of our Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC proceeds to reputable Breast Cancer research and awareness charities, starting with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer. We hope that the list of charities we contribute to will grow as we collect more money over time.




10월 1일은 핑크 리본의 날니다

장점들은 자선 이벤트를 여는 니다.

이벤트에 참가국물.

ETS2, ATS 어느 쪽인지(양쪽 모두에서도 가능)로 지정된 짐을 수송국물.

덤의 장식을 배포하는 니다.

하는 김에 「Pink Ribbon Charity Pack」를 구입국물.

매상중에서 유방암의 연구기관에 모금하는 니다

※$20,000실제로 기부한 모양


TOTAL: 14034

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
5014 マラソン場所変更 - 真っ先に言い....... (1) aooyaji588 2019-10-30 643 0
5013 似非日本人の星の「ハゲ」が徳井をDi....... (3) aooyaji588 2019-10-30 423 1
5012 そしてオリジナルは一人負けw (2) aooyaji588 2019-10-30 669 0
5011 似非日本人おはよう (5) aooyaji588 2019-10-30 231 0
5010 めもしておくか。自分のために。 (5) aooyaji588 2019-10-30 484 0
5009 もったいない話だ (7) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 755 0
5008 俺の探し方が悪いのかも知れないが....... (3) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 436 0
5007 文母あぼーん (1) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 413 0
5006 「お前&盗用多withスポンサーの超戦....... (4) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 513 0
5005 あの「青木の共同通信」ですぜw (5) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 1002 0
5004 [雑談] 次はこれを買ってみようか? (4) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 690 0
5003 [発動] そりゃ「場所も中身も赤い赤....... (3) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 354 0
5002 「人の悪口を言わず、信念を曲げな....... (4) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 573 0
5001 そして「本当のT2続編」が aooyaji588 2019-10-29 491 0
5000 こいつらは反対したんだろうな。 (2) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 653 0
4999 朝から「活性化」している奴はでき....... (3) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 230 0
4998 今朝の「巨乳の敵」 (6) aooyaji588 2019-10-29 869 0
4997 「コロニー落とし」の起源はウリナ....... (11) aooyaji588 2019-10-28 629 0
4996 「NHKをぶっ潰す!」をぶっ潰す!by NH....... (1) aooyaji588 2019-10-28 430 0
4995 今日の「進撃の嫁殺し・しかも在日....... (4) aooyaji588 2019-10-28 566 0