時事/経済 PositiveNegativeFreeStyleArguments

Iron Chef - American & Japanese Forces Cooking Competition

CAMP SENDAI, Japan – U.S. Army and Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF) cooks race at the Iron Chef competition before exercise Yama Sakura 73 (YS-73) on Dec. 4, 2017. Four teams comprised of American and Japanese forces participated in a friendly cooking competition during the exercise. Yama Sakura is an annual bilateral command post exercise involving the U.S. Military and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF).



일·미 개전

Iron Chef - American & Japanese Forces Cooking Competition

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/du5f28iTRk8" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

CAMP SENDAI, Japan – U.S. Army and Japanese Self-Defense Force (JSDF) cooks race at the Iron Chef competition before exercise Yama Sakura 73 (YS-73) on Dec. 4, 2017. Four teams comprised of American and Japanese forces participated in a friendly cooking competition during the exercise. Yama Sakura is an annual bilateral command post exercise involving the U.S. Military and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF).


우리 나라는 또 미국에 졌는가(^^;

TOTAL: 10775

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
1695 Proud of BOXER (2) ななこも 2018-02-12 212 1
1694 日本紙幣の製造工場に潜入取材 ななこも 2018-02-12 294 1
1693 オリンピックが楽しみだ(^^ (2) ななこも 2018-02-11 176 2
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1691 平昌オリンピック 名場面集 (1) ななこも 2018-02-11 613 1
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1684 世界中の子供達を楽しくさせる日本....... ななこも 2018-02-03 351 1
1683 SUPER GT x DTM ななこも 2018-02-03 254 1
1682 SUPER GT × DTM ななこも 2018-02-03 157 1
1681 京王ライナー デビュー! (14) ななこも 2018-02-03 480 1
1680 日本の○○像 (3) ななこも 2018-02-03 294 2
1679 【伝統文化】圧倒的な日本の郷土芸....... ななこも 2018-02-03 273 1
1678 【伝統文化】圧倒的な日本の祭り (4) ななこも 2018-02-03 372 1
1677 JAXAが開発した世界最小級ロケットが....... (5) ななこも 2018-02-03 694 2
1676 韓国がメダルを取れない理由 (2) ななこも 2018-02-03 279 2