Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks) – The two uninhabited islets of Takeshima, almost equidistant from Japan and Korea in Japan Sea, were formally claimed by Japan in 1905, apparently without protest by Korea, and placed under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture. They are breeding ground for sea lions, and records show that for a long time Japanese fishermen migrated there during certain seasons. Unlike Dagelet Island a short distance to the west, Takeshima has no korean name and does not appear ever to have been claimed by Korea. The islands have been used by U.S. forces during the occupation as a bombing range and have possible value as a weather or radar station site.
島根県隠岐支庁の管轄下に置かれた。 島はアシカが繁殖地にしている。
なぁ? どうして資料が残っていることに対して、捏造するんだ?
1950년7월의국무성 작성 주석서.
Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks) – The two uninhabited islets of Takeshima, almost equidistant from Japan and Korea in Japan Sea, were formally claimed by Japan in 1905, apparently without protest by Korea, and placed under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branch Office of Shimane Prefecture. They are breeding ground for sea lions, and records show that for a long time Japanese fishermen migrated there during certain seasons. Unlike Dagelet Island a short distance to the west, Takeshima has no korean name and does not appear ever to have been claimed by Korea. The islands have been used by U.S. forces during the occupation as a bombing range and have possible value as a weather or radar station site.
타케시마의 두 개의 무인도에서는,정식으로 분명하게 한국에 의한 항의
(은)는 없고,1905년에 일본이 영유권을 주장해,
시마네현 오키 지청의 관할하에 놓여졌다. 섬은 강치가 번식지로 하고 있다.
기록에서는 오랫동안, 일본의 어부가, 특정의 계절의 사이에 출어 하고 있던 일을 나타내고 있습니다.
타케시마는 한국어의 이름을 가지고 있지 않습니다
해, 지금까지 조선에라고 영토 주장이
된 것처럼 보이지 않습니다.
섬이 폭격 연습장으로서 점령중에 미군에 의해서 사용되어 기후나 레이더국
사이트로서 가능한 값을 지라고 되고 있습니다.
? 어째서 자료가 남아 있는 것에 대하고, 날조 하지?