
I"m korean but yet i"m not korean. Was i born the wrong race ?

I"m 15 I"m korean but i"m not really into the whole korean everything phase. I"m completely americanized. I have no interest in anything korean. I"m so awkward around korean people. When i was younger i failed miserably at korean. I basically dropped out of the korean language classes my parents paid for me to go to and i refused to learn korean at home. I cant even have a conversation. Anyeong this and Anyeong that. I feel like i was meant to be black or white or spanish i feel better around them. I dont even date asians. My parents insist i date korean only guys but mommy daddy i"m sorry but i love american black and white boys. I feel like i"m letting down my race and culture. I"m just so like different. I feel like it was a mistake being born Asian. I wish i was born America. I have completely separated myself from korean. I do not mean to sound like a self hater but i feel so lost.

한국인으로서 태어나 슬프다는

I"m korean but yet i"m not korean. Was i born the wrong race ?

I"m 15 I"m korean but i"m not really into the whole korean everything phase. I"m completely americanized. I have no interest in anything korean. I"m so awkward around korean people. When i was younger i failed miserably at korean. I basically dropped out of the korean language classes my parents paid for me to go to and i refused to learn korean at home. I cant even have a conversation. Anyeong this and Anyeong that. I feel like i was meant to be black or white or spanish i feel better around them. I dont even date asians. My parents insist i date korean only guys but mommy daddy i"m sorry but i love american black and white boys. I feel like i"m letting down my race and culture. I"m just so like different. I feel like it was a mistake being born Asian. I wish i was born America. I have completely separated myself from korean. I do not mean to sound like a self hater but i feel so lost.

TOTAL: 28151

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