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BREAKING: Liverpool are ready to accelerate their interest in Red Bull Salzburg’s Takumi Minamino 

next month and try to exploit a release clause of just £7.25 million








Takumi Minamino: Liverpool agree January transfer deal for RB Salzburg attacker


Liverpool have fended off competition from Manchester United to agree a January deal in principle with Red Bull Salzburg for Takumi Minamino, who has a paltry release clause of just £7.25million.

(リバプールはユナイテッドとの競争を避ける為に南野拓実の加入を原則的にザルツブルクと合意した。 )

Christoph Freund, sporting director of the Austrian champions, told The Independent this week that the 24-year-old is ready to accelerate his development at one of Europe’s elite clubs after five years of service.

(ザルツブルクのスポーツディレクターであるクリストフ・フロイントは本紙に南野が欧州のトップレベルのクラブで成長を加速する準備が出来ていると述べた。 )

미나미노 타쿠지츠가 Liverpool에 갈지도?

미나미노 타쿠지츠 리버풀에

BREAKING: Liverpool are ready to accelerate their interest in Red Bull Salzburg’s Takumi Minamino

next month and try to exploit a release clause of just ٥.25 million

리버풀은 1월에 미나미노에게의 획득에 움직일 가능성이 있다.미나미노의 계약해제금은٥.25m.


그런데, 정해질까 비밖에…

덧붙여 씀

스카이 스포츠도 속보 냈군


인디펜던트도 온

Takumi Minamino: Liverpool agree January transfer deal for RB Salzburg attacker


Liverpool have fended off competition from Manchester United to agree a January deal in principle with Red Bull Salzburg for Takumi Minamino, who has a paltry release clause of just ٥.25million.

(리버풀은 유나이티드와의 경쟁을 피하기 위해 미나미노 타쿠지츠의 가입을 원칙적으로 자르트브르크와 합의했다. )

Christoph Freund, sporting director of the Austrian champions, told The Independent this week that the 24-year-old is ready to accelerate his development at one of Europe’s elite clubs after five years of service.

(자르트브르크의 스포츠 디렉터인 크리스토프·프로인트는 본지에 미나미노가 유럽의 톱 레벨의 클럽에서 성장을 가속할 준비가 되어있다고 말했다. )

TOTAL: 121823

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