スポーツ PositiveNegativeRelationshipArguments










Alex Collado





バロセルでもファンフォーラムに上って来た反応たち (翻訳)

が意見たちは 2010‾2011 シーズンの間あげてくださったんです. 

The Qur¥“an Paik has appeared in the starting lineup, targeting well-mannered, very f

ast, intense shooting and taking care of the corners so effectively that two of the

goals of the first period were scored by Carlos Martinez to pick up loose balls around

the area to out of corners. 

韓国人百勝号が選抜出場した. 彼はパスが非常に正確だったし(意訳), 非常に早くてシューテングが川
力した. コーナーも非常に效率的に処理してマルティネズの 2ゴールの始発点になった. 

The Korean Paik is good technically, but has trouble assimilating the game and physically weakens


Both Ferran as Paik have been less active than other days, although the Korean system appear to have Barca in the head:


ペランと百勝号は他の時よりは不十分に活発だったが百勝号システム(?)はバルシャを頭に置いているようだ. (バルシャのブレーン?)

...offering the Start of what is expected to be the explosion of Korean Paik, more and more adapted.


Paik is a technique and vision play a privileged, as has just been adapted and become a little more physically be a great player

百勝号のテクニックと視野はすぐれる. もうちょっとフィジカルを育てればグレートした選手になるでしょう.

     Their quality is beyond doubt, but has two handicaps: the physical and cultural change. The second can be overcome gradually, but the issue is more complicated physical. If your physical is already very tight this year, next season will play in the cadet B, against teams a year older.


白衣クォリティーは疑うことができないが二つのハンディキャップがある. フィジカルと文化の適応だ. 後
字は漸次的に乗り越えることができるがフィジカルの問題は複雑だ. 今度日にフィジカルがサングデゾックウ

     What happens is that we are used to giants like Xavi and Iniesta in those positions ...

Paik I should not worry as long as demonstrating quality and delivery, as his father is not exactly short, and that, at Barca, so look, much ..........

百勝号が彼のクォリティーと良いパスたちを見せてくれる以上心配の中する. 彼のお父さんは決して小さくないから.


Some people evolve physically at earlier ages and other later so now it does not have to worry about Paik, worse would be if conditions were bad techniques

ある子たちはイルチッククでどんな子たちは遅く成長するから百勝号に対して心配しなくても良くて. 彼が側


A little exaggeration that The Messi Korean ... even their football is very different, the guy not noted for ability but for his intelligence to interpret the system is less solo and team player. What is surprising is, in relation to its small size, power chute. Even out the corners and makes it very pumped, dropping the ball to lead the area.

韓国の担ぎなさいと言うことはあまり課長... その二つのサッカーはとても違う. 百勝号は天才性で株
モックバッヌンゲではなくシステムを解釈する知能とチームプレーヤーなのでそうだ. もっと驚くべきなことは小ささに
もかかわらずパワーがある. コーナーキックですら球がパワフルで適当に落ちる.

 Paik every day I like best is a player very complete, has vision of the game privileged, their poscionamiento is very correct, has long and short passing with both feet and has a very good long distance shot with both left and right, jump to the view that style boat is a player that physically and that is still to do If this continues I think we are before a lot of promise, another player of great talent Cristian Sanz, a player very similar to Paik but unlike this has not adapted yet, give them patience and that is a great player

百勝号は非常に完璧な選手なの. 視野が広くて洋髪で短くてロングパスを正確にさせる. 中長距離


Hello to all! People tell me of the farm that Paik has Iniesta conditions as to age what do you think?

こんにちは(さようなら)皆! 人々が言うのに百勝号がイニエスタと非常に似ているというのにどう思う?

uff .... Paik comparison is still too young, but my quality has much .... Iniesta Iniesta is much ... that his age was so iniesta or association does not help ... still very much lacking compared to Paik ... what is clear is that quality has and a lot ... lacks physical ... but it heals over time

百勝号とイニエスタを比べるにはまだ百勝号がとても幼くて, しかし百勝号とイニエスタ
二つともクォリティーがあふれる. (これは解釈しにくいですね.. まだ比べにくいが二つともクォリティーが
してそんな話一挙です) フィジカルが付くが時間が経てば大丈夫なの.

Paik is Detective Conan (anime )???? looks like a professional football player put in the body of a child 11 years .... 


百勝号は名探偵コナン??? プロサッカー選手が 11歳子供の身に入って行ったようで

Paik: 14 years old, left-footed, very technical, reads the game well, can use both feet. He¥“s still very young, we have to wait 2 years and see. - Marti Perarnau

百勝号:14歳, ウェンバルザブが, 非常に技術的で競技(景気)流れをよく読む. 右足もよく使う. まだ枚
右若い. 私たちは 2年待ってみなければならない - Marti Perarnau 

He is a boy that is very smart/ready and lives with his parents in Barcelona. He is not THE great promise of La Masia but he is a very interesting midfielder.

彼は非常に利口な男の子でバルセロナでご両親と住む. ラマシアの ¥”おびただしい¥”よってくれる
ないがとてもおもしろいミッドフィルダーだ. (まだ年が幼くてそうするように)


               -  Marti Perarnau バルシャリポーター
(バルロセルでもユースしてするの第2のメッシュ指目で百勝号ただ 3人含み)
細線数は百勝号, Jean Marie Dongou , Lionel Enguene

もニックネームは classと呼ばれるが

바르샤팬이 올린 A팀까지 올라갈만한 유스재능 10명










Alex Collado


백승호가 저들사이에 끼어있다는게..ㅎㄷㄷ


최근 바르셀로나에서 백승호 청소년대표 차출 거부..

바로셀로나 팬포럼에 올라온 반응들 (번역)

이 의견들은 2010~2011 시즌동안 올려주신거에요. 

The Qur"an Paik has appeared in the starting lineup, targeting well-mannered, very f

ast, intense shooting and taking care of the corners so effectively that two of the

goals of the first period were scored by Carlos Martinez to pick up loose balls around

the area to out of corners. 

한국인 백승호가 선발출전했다. 그는 패스가 매우 정확했으며(의역), 매우 빠르고 슈팅이 강
력했다. 코너도 매우 효율적으로 처리하여 마르티네즈의 2골의 시발점이 되었다. 

The Korean Paik is good technically, but has trouble assimilating the game and physically weakens

한국인 백은 기술적으로 좋으나 게임에 녹아드는데에 힘들어하고 피지컬이 약하다.

Both Ferran as Paik have been less active than other days, although the Korean system appear to have Barca in the head:

페란과 백승호는 다른 때보다는 덜 활발하였으나 백승호 시스템(?)은 바르샤를 머리에 두고 있는 듯 하다. (바르샤의 브레인?)

...offering the Start of what is expected to be the explosion of Korean Paik, more and more adapted.

백승호는 점점 더 적응하여 백승호의 폭발이 곧 시작될것임을 보여줬다.

Paik is a technique and vision play a privileged, as has just been adapted and become a little more physically be a great player

백승호의 테크닉과 시야는 뛰어나다. 좀 더 피지컬을 키우면 그레이트한 선수가 될 것이다.

     ㄴTheir quality is beyond doubt, but has two handicaps: the physical and cultural change. The second can be overcome gradually, but the issue is more complicated physical. If your physical is already very tight this year, next season will play in the cadet B, against teams a year older.
백의 퀄리티는 의심 할 수 없지만 두가지 핸디캡이 있어. 피지컬과 문화의 적응이야. 후
자는 점차적으로 극복할 수 있지만 피지컬의 문제는 복잡하지. 이번 해에 피지컬이 상대적으
로 딸리면 내년에 카데테B에서는 자신보다 한살많은 상대들을 만날텐데.

     ㄴWhat happens is that we are used to giants like Xavi and Iniesta in those positions ...
 우리는 사비와 이니에스타와 같은 거인들에 익숙하지... 

Paik I should not worry as long as demonstrating quality and delivery, as his father is not exactly short, and that, at Barca, so look, much ..........

백승호가 그의 퀄리티와 좋은패스들을 보여주는 이상 걱정안해. 그의 아버지는 결코 작지 않으니까.

Some people evolve physically at earlier ages and other later so now it does not have to worry about Paik, worse would be if conditions were bad techniques

어떤 애들은 일찍크고 어떤 애들은 늦게 성장하니까 백승호에 대해 걱정 안해도 돼. 그가 테
크닉이 나뻤다면 더 심각했겠지.

El Messi Coreano

한국의 메시

A little exaggeration that "The Messi Korean "... even their football is very different, the guy not noted for ability but for his intelligence to interpret the system is less solo and team player. What is surprising is, in relation to its small size, power chute. Even out the corners and makes it very pumped, dropping the ball to lead the area.

"한국의 메시"라고 하는 것은 너무 과장... 그둘의 축구는 매우 달라. 백승호는 천재성으로 주
목받는게 아니라 시스템을 해석하는 지능과 팀 플레이어라서 그렇지. 더 놀라운 것은 작음에
도 불구하고 파워가 있어. 코너킥에서 조차도 공이 파워풀하고 적당히 떨어지지.

 Paik every day I like best is a player very complete, has vision of the game privileged, their poscionamiento is very correct, has long and short passing with both feet and has a very good long distance shot with both left and right, jump to the view that style boat is a player that physically and that is still to do If this continues I think we are before a lot of promise, another player of great talent Cristian Sanz, a player very similar to Paik but unlike this has not adapted yet, give them patience and that is a great player

백승호는 매우 완벽한 선수야. 시야가 넓고 양발로 짧고 롱패스를 정확하게 하지. 중장거리
슈팅도 양발로 잘하고 이런 식으로 성장하다보면 우리들에게 엄청난 선수가 하나 있겠지. 

Hello to all! People tell me of the farm that Paik has Iniesta conditions as to age what do you think?

안녕 모두들! 사람들이 말하는데 백승호가 이니에스타랑 매우 비슷하다는데 어떻게 생각해?

ㄴuff .... Paik comparison is still too young, but my quality has much .... Iniesta Iniesta is much ... that his age was so iniesta or association does not help ... still very much lacking compared to Paik ... what is clear is that quality has and a lot ... lacks physical ... but it heals over time

백승호와 이니에스타를 비교하기엔 아직 백승호가 너무 어려, 하지만 백승호와 이니에스타
둘다 퀄리티가 넘치지. (이건 해석하기 힘드네요.. 아직 비교하기가 어렵지만 둘다 퀄리티가
ㅎㄷㄷ하다 그런말일거에요) 피지컬이 딸리지만 시간이 지나면 괜찮을거야.

Paik is Detective Conan (anime )???? looks like a professional football player put in the body of a child "11" years .... 

백승호는 명탐정코난??? 프로축구선수가 11살 아이의 몸에 들어간 것 같아

"Paik: 14 years old, left-footed, very technical, reads the game well, can use both feet. He"s still very young, we have to wait 2 years and see." - Marti Perarnau

"백승호:14살, 왼발잡이, 매우 기술적이고 경기흐름을 잘 읽는다. 오른발도 잘 쓴다. 아직 매
우 젊다. 우리는 2년 기다리고 봐야한다" - Marti Perarnau 

"He is a boy that is very smart/ready and lives with his parents in Barcelona. He is not THE great promise of La Masia but he is a very interesting midfielder."

그는 매우 똑똑한 남자애이며 바르셀로나에서 부모님과 산다. 라마시아의 "엄청난"기대주는
아니지만 매우 흥미로운 미드필더이다. (아직 나이가 어려서 그런듯)
               -  Marti Perarnau 바르샤 리포터
(발로셀로나 유스코치 제2의 메시 지목으로 백승호 단 3명 포함)
세명 지목 했는데 그중에 백승호도 포함 되었네요 ㅎ
세선수는 백승호, Jean Marie Dongou , Lionel Enguene

또한 별명은 class라고 불린데요 ㅎㄷㄷ
메시보다는 이니에스타쪽에 가깝다고
무럭무럭 잘커서 우리나라에도 메시급 선수가 나오길 바랍니다

TOTAL: 3196

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
976 韓国のイニエスタと呼ばれる選手 (1) xnfkdlty 2018-06-05 459 0
975 李剛である - Real Madrid, Manchester City, Do....... (6) xnfkdlty 2018-06-05 483 0
974 アジア歴史上最高のサッカー選手誕....... (2) xnfkdlty 2018-06-05 515 0
973 韓国の天才ミッドフィルダー誕生 (2) xnfkdlty 2018-06-04 562 0
972 パク・チソン,ソンフングミンを飛び....... xnfkdlty 2018-06-04 463 0
971 ソンフングミン身の代金 ww (1) xnfkdlty 2018-06-04 335 0
970 アジアのBackham誕生 (3) xnfkdlty 2018-06-03 639 0
969 韓国に Modric, David Silva級の選手が出た....... (10) xnfkdlty 2018-05-31 2775 4
968 バレンシア李剛人と再契約予定 (バイ....... xnfkdlty 2018-05-25 479 0
967 韓国の混血攻撃手有望な人 (1) xnfkdlty 2018-05-23 1625 0
966 李剛人に非常に満足しているバレン....... xnfkdlty 2018-05-09 606 0
965 韓国ゴールキーパー評価ちょっと (2) xnfkdlty 2018-05-08 632 0
964 百勝号近況.swf xnfkdlty 2018-05-07 574 0
963 今週コリアンday‾ (2) xnfkdlty 2018-05-07 339 0
962 大韓民国小学校サッカー競技クラス xnfkdlty 2018-04-17 614 0
961 Bulk-up イ・スンウ近況 xnfkdlty 2018-04-17 662 0
960 ツァッケ路だの監督がほめたてた気....... xnfkdlty 2011-07-05 684 0
959 韓国有望な人インテルミラン入団目....... xnfkdlty 2011-07-03 929 0
958 バルシャペンがあげた Aチームまで上....... xnfkdlty 2011-07-03 584 0
957 ACミランvsリバプールvsセヴィリア朴....... xnfkdlty 2011-07-03 596 0