

 ベトナム戦争当時、まだ私が少女だった頃、うちが経営していた茶店の近くに駐屯していた韓国軍の兵士達に母と私は強姦され、二人とも妊娠しました。韓国は米国と同盟関係にあったので 助けを求めに行くところは何処にもありませんでした。私達を強姦した韓国兵は未だに法の裁きを受けていません。




Apologize for the Systemic Rape of Vietnamese Women During the Vietnam War

“When I was a young girl, my mother and I were both raped by South Korean soldiers who were based near our tea shop during the Vietnam War. We both became pregnant from our assaults. South Korea was America’s ally, so there was nowhere to go for help, and the soldiers who raped us were never brought to justice.
“Our lives were destroyed. My father left our family because my mother was raped. I didn’t want anyone to know I had been raped so I said nothing. I was very young; I thought it was my fate and I just had to accept it. But now, I am older, and I am angry.
“Sadly, my story is not unique. Thousands of Vietnamese women like me were raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. The South Korean government has never apologized nor acknowledged this systematic brutalization at the hands of their soldiers during the war. Now I am calling for justice and I need your help.”

한국 정부가 베트남에 사죄하도록(듯이) 힘을 주세요

한국인의 여러분
한국 정부가 정식으로 베트남에 사죄하도록(듯이) 정부에 촉구해 주세요.

 베트남 전쟁 당시 , 아직 내가 소녀였던 무렵, 집이 경영하고 있던 찻집의 근처에 주둔 하고 있던 한국군의 병사들에게 어머니와 나는 강간되어 두 사람 모두 임신했습니다.한국은 미국과 동맹 관계에 있었으므로 도움을 요구하러 가는 곳은 어디에도 없었습니다.저희들을 강간한 한국병은 아직도 법의 중재를 받고 있지 않습니다.

 저희들의 인생은 엄청이 되어 버렸습니다.어머니가 강간된 것으로 아버지는 집을 나갔습니다.나 자신은 그것을 누구에게도 알려지고 싶지 않아서 비밀로 하고 있었습니다.생각하면 나는 어렸습니다:이니까 나의 운명을 받아 들이지 않으면 안 되는 것이라고 생각해 살아 왔습니다.그렇지만 지금은 다릅니다.나는 이제(벌써) 충분히 나이를 취했습니다.그들의 행위에 큰 분노를 기억하고 있습니다.

 슬픈 일입니다만 나의 이야기는 굳이 특별한 것이 아닙니다.베트남 전쟁 당시 , 몇천명의 베트남 여성이 나와 같이 강간되었습니다.그런데도 한국 정부는 전시중의 한국병에 의한 조직적인 포학 행위에 대해서 사죄는 커녕 인정할려고도 하지 않습니다.

나는, 지금, 정의를 요구하고 있습니다.
당신의 도움이 필요합니다.

Apologize for the Systemic Rape of Vietnamese Women During the Vietnam War

"When I was a young girl, my mother and I were both raped by South Korean soldiers who were based near our tea shop during the Vietnam War. We both became pregnant from our assaults. South Korea was America’s ally, so there was nowhere to go for help, and the soldiers who raped us were never brought to justice.
"Our lives were destroyed. My father left our family because my mother was raped. I didn’t want anyone to know I had been raped so I said nothing. I was very young; I thought it was my fate and I just had to accept it. But now, I am older, and I am angry.
"Sadly, my story is not unique. Thousands of Vietnamese women like me were raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. The South Korean government has never apologized nor acknowledged this systematic brutalization at the hands of their soldiers during the war. Now I am calling for justice and I need your help."

TOTAL: 24394

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