

Michael Yon

日本,米国海兵隊,他にも:ローラ・ヒレブランド(Laura Hillenbrand)の著作,アンブロークンには問題がありそうだ。




一つの情報源は環境問題を専門にしている企業ESI社に勤めているエリック・ラッシュ氏(Eric Lash)だ。ティアニン島で韓国人が5千人も殺されたことの情報源としてローラはラッシュ氏をあげている。ラッシュ氏は歴史家ではない。しかしラッシュ氏が情報源であると言うことは別な意味でローラにとってさらに困った状況をもたらす:









Japan, US Marines, More: There appear to be problems with Laura Hillenbrand"s book, “Unbroken.”
Her publisher has not responded to a message from me.
One problem: Twice Laura cites that Japanese killed all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian island during World War II.
However, our own military records and the New York Times at the time make no mention of this, and in fact directly contradict Laura"s words.
Laura cited two sources. We checked both sources. The sources are hogwash. It is as if Laura is citing scraps of paper she found in a waste bin.
One source is cited as Eric Lash at ESI, a company that does environmental work. Laura cited Mr. Lash as a source of proof that 5,000 Koreans were killed by Japanese on Tinian. Mr. Lash is not a historian, but this gets more troublesome for Laura:
We had difficulty finding this obscure document cited by Laura as being attributed to Eric Lash. Finally we got the document, but not from ESI, who apparently does not have a copy and did not make the report.
In a recent email, the company ESI said of the report and Mr. Lash, “ESI did not do any work on this project (Eric Lash was not working for ESI at the time). I haven’t been able to locate his current contact info; I’ll ask around the office and see if anyone has that info and forward it to you. Sorry we could not be more help.”
Very strange. This gets stranger still. The document cited by Laura spells Eric Lash"s name three different ways inside the same document: Eric, Erik, and Erick.
The mention of 5,000 Koreans is just a caption on a photo. The company says Mr. Lash was not even there at the time (2008) and besides that, how would he know about what happened there during World War II?
Again, ESI said that Mr. Lash did not even work for the company at the time.
This is serious business. If Laura deceived her readers or did not perform due diligence on this non-fiction bestseller that became a movie, this could even be grounds for a class-action lawsuit from customers who bought the book. I bought the book with the expectation that it is non-fiction. If the book is fiction, that is a problem.
Report that cites Mr. Lash as a source:


미국인 「조사하면 Unbroken는 날조의 가능성이 높다」

미국인「조사하면 Unbroken는 날조의 가능성이 높은 」

Michael Yon

일본, 미국 해병대, 그 밖에도:롤러・필레 브랜드(Laura Hillenbrand)의 저작, 안브로쿤에는 문제가 있을 듯 하다.
나로부터의 메세지에 대해서 그녀의 책의 출판사에서는 무슨 대답도 받지 않았다.

문제점:롤러는 책 중(안)에서, 일본인은 제2차 대전중 티니안섬에서 5천명의 한국인을 죽였다고 두 번에 걸쳐서 쓰고 있다.

그렇지만 우리 나라의 군사 기록이나 당시의 뉴욕 타임즈 기사를 봐도 그러한 일은 쓰여지지 않은, 그 뿐만 아니라 롤러가 쓴 것과 확실히 모순된다.

롤러는 정보원으로서 2개 주고 있다.우리는 양쪽 모두 조사했다.터무니 없었다.쓰레기통으로 찾아내 온 종이의 자투리를 정보원이라고 말하는 것 와 같다.

하나의 정보원은 환경 문제를 전문으로 하고 있는 기업 ESI사에 근무하고 있는 에릭・러쉬씨(EricLash)다.티아닌섬에서 한국인이 5천명이나 살해당한 것의 정보원으로서 롤러는 러쉬씨를 주고 있다.러쉬씨는 역사가는 아니다.그러나 러쉬씨가 정보원이다고 하는 것은 별도인 의미로 롤러에 있어서 한층 더 곤란한 상황을 가져온다:

롤러가 근거로 하고 있는 에릭・러쉬씨가 썼다고 여겨지는 불가해한 리포트를 찾아내는 것은 매우 어려웠다.최종적으로는 찾아낼 수 있었지만, 그것은 ESI사로부터 의 것은 아니었다.ESI사는 리포트를 보관하지 않았고 작성하지 않았었다.

최근, ESI사로부터 받은 전자 메일에 의하면, 그 리포트와 러쉬씨에게 대해서, ”우리 회사는 그러한 리포트와 무관계합니다(에릭・러쉬씨는 당시 ESI사에서 일하고는 있지 않습니다).그의 현재의 연락처는 불명합니다;그가 있는 곳을 알고 있으면 당신에게 전하도록(듯이) 사내에 아나운스 해 둡니다.더 이상 아무것도 할 수 없습니다”, 라고 전해 왔다.

매우 기묘하다.자꾸자꾸 기묘하게는 가는.분명히 롤러가 정보원으로 하고 있는 문서에는 에릭・러쉬씨의 이름이 3도에 걸쳐서 등장하는:에릭, 에릭, 에릭과.

형태 `와천명의 한국인이라고 말하는 것은 사진의 설명문이다.그러나 2008년 당시 , 러쉬씨는 ESI사에 근무하지 않았었다.원래 제2차 대전중에 일어난 것을 러쉬씨는 어떻게 알았다?

한번 더 쓴다.사진이 찍힌 당시 러쉬씨는 ESI사에서 일하지 않았다고 ESI사가 말한다.

이것은 농담이든 뭐든 없다.영화에까지 된 그 논픽션 베스트셀러의 저자의 롤러가 독자를 속였는지, 혹은 정확을 기하기 위한 주의를 게을리한 것이라면, 이것은 구매자에 의한 집단소송의 근거가 될 수 있다.만약 책이 픽션이라고 한다면, 그것은 그래서 대문제다.

정보원으로서 러쉬씨를 인용하고 있는 리포트:


Japan, US Marines, More: There appear to be problems with Laura Hillenbrand"s book, "Unbroken."
Her publisher has not responded to a message from me.
One problem: Twice Laura cites that Japanese killed all 5,000 Koreans on Tinian island during World War II.
However, our own military records and the New York Times at the time make no mention of this, and in fact directly contradict Laura"s words.
Laura cited two sources. We checked both sources. The sources are hogwash. It is as if Laura is citing scraps of paper she found in a waste bin.
One source is cited as Eric Lash at ESI, a company that does environmental work. Laura cited Mr. Lash as a source of proof that 5,000 Koreans were killed by Japanese on Tinian. Mr. Lash is not a historian, but this gets more troublesome for Laura:
We had difficulty finding this obscure document cited by Laura as being attributed to Eric Lash. Finally we got the document, but not from ESI, who apparently does not have a copy and did not make the report.
In a recent email, the company ESI said of the report and Mr. Lash, "ESI did not do any work on this project (Eric Lash was not working for ESI at the time). I haven’t been able to locate his current contact info; I’ll ask around the office and see if anyone has that info and forward it to you. Sorry we could not be more help."
Very strange. This gets stranger still. The document cited by Laura spells Eric Lash"s name three different ways inside the same document: Eric, Erik, and Erick.
The mention of 5,000 Koreans is just a caption on a photo. The company says Mr. Lash was not even there at the time (2008) and besides that, how would he know about what happened there during World War II?
Again, ESI said that Mr. Lash did not even work for the company at the time.
This is serious business. If Laura deceived her readers or did not perform due diligence on this non-fiction bestseller that became a movie, this could even be grounds for a class-action lawsuit from customers who bought the book. I bought the book with the expectation that it is non-fiction. If the book is fiction, that is a problem.
Report that cites Mr. Lash as a source:


TOTAL: 24436

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