







それから第二次大戦となる。日本はタイ国に侵攻したが,そのときの戦闘は日本がやってくることを許可するための儀式のようなものであって短期間におわった。日本とタイ国は同盟国となった。もちろんSeri Tai(自由タイ運動)などの些細な事件はあったが。

タイ国の前の首相,ククリット・プラーモート(Kukrit Pramoj)氏,当時,彼は新聞「Slam Rath」の編集長であり1973年には首相となった,は,以下のように記している。


今日,アメリカやイギリスなどの国と同等の立場を東南アジアの国々の人々にもたらしてくれたのはだれでしょうか? それは日本です,日本が我々東南アジアの国々の母です。慈悲深い行いを示し自己犠牲の偉業を成し遂げたのです。




The Myth that Asia hates Japan—
I have been in Asia a long time, in 21 countries. I was just down in Indonesia where Japan is remembered as key to Indonesia"s liberation.
Japanese are held in such high esteem that 16 Japanese Soldiers are buried at the Indonesion version of Arlington. Some of those Japanese were buried under Christian crosses, which is interesting given that most of the people buried there are Muslims.
And now I am in the library section of the National Museum in Bangkok, Thailand, with fellow researchers.
Many people do not realize that Thailand was an Axis power in World War II, and was allied with Japan.
Earlier, Japan helped Thailand defeat the French. Japan did not actually fight, but helped Thailand variously such as with weapons.
Thailand redeemed earlier conquests from the French and British that took almost 80% of Thai territory and in 1940 beat the French with its own heart and hands.
There were naval battles against superior French ships. Thailand used four Japanese submarines, and Japanese and American weapons. In the air, Thailand used Japanese and American airplanes.
The French signed the surrender document on a Japanese cruiser Natori.
The peace treaty was signed in Tokyo and returned much land to Thailand.
Many Thais believe that Thailand never has been occupied but this is partially true. Large parts of Thailand were stolen by the French, for one, and the Japanese negotiated the peace treaty to get it back, but it was Thailand who recovered its own land.
And then came WWII. Japan invaded Thailand but the battle was short and ceremonial to save face to allow Japan to come in. Japan and Thailand soon were allies, though there was the Seri Thai (Free Thai) movement and other nuances.
From the link below:
The former Prime Minister of Thailand, Kukrit Pramoj, who was Chief Editor of the newspaper ‘Siam Rath’ at the time and who took office as Prime Minister in 1973, stated:
“It was thanks to Japan that all nations of Asia gained independence. For Mother Japan, it was a difficult birth which resulted in much suffering, yet her children are growing up quickly to be healthy and strong.
“Who was it that enabled the citizens of the nations of Southeast Asia to gain equal status alongside the United States and Britain today? It is because Japan, who acted like a mother to us all, carried out acts of benevolence towards us and performed feats of self-sacrifice.
“December 8th is the day when Mother Japan – who taught us this important lesson – laid her life on the line for us, after making a momentous decision and risking her own well-being for our sake.
Furthermore, August 15th is the day when our beloved and revered mother was frail and ailing. Neither of these two days should ever be forgotten”.


미국인 「아시아 각지에 살아 진실의 역사를 알았다」

아시아의 나라들이 일본을 혐오 하고 있다고 하는 만들어낸 이야기

 긴 일아시아에 있다.지금까지 21개국에 체재했다.바로 최근도 인도네시아에 다녀 왔던 바로 직후다.사람들은 일본이 인도네시아의 독립에 중요한 역할을 완수한 것을 기억하고 있다.

일본병 16명이 말하자면 인도네시아판의 아린톤 묘지라고 해야 할 장소에 매장되고 있는 만큼, 이 땅에서 일본인은 존경받고 있다.대부분의 주민이 이슬람교인 것을 생각하면, 일본병 중 여러명이 십자가아래에 매장되고 있는 것은 흥미롭다.

지금, 모두 조사를 하고 있는 동료와 함께 타이의 수도 방콕에 있는 국립 박물관의 도서실에 있다.타이가 제2차 대전중의 추축국으로 일본의 우호국에서 만난 것을 아는 사람은 적다.

일본은 타이가 프랑스를 패배시키는 도움을 주었다.일본은 실제로는 싸우지는 않지만, 그러나 무기의 공급등의 면에서 태국을 살렸던 것이다.

타이의 영토의80%에도 미치는 프랑스와 영국의 지배 지역을 되찾아, 1940년, 타이는 스스로의 손에서 프랑스로부터 승리를 차지했다.전력에 우수한 프랑스 함선과의 해전도 있었다.타이는 일본의 잠수함이나 일본과 미국의 무기를 사용해 싸웠다.일본과 미국의 전투기도 배치되고 있었다.일본의 전함 나토리 위에서 프랑스는 항복문서에 서 모`시 했다.

도쿄에서 평화 조약이 조인되어 또 많은 영토가 태국에 반환되었다.오늘 대부분의 타이인은 타국에 점령된 것 등 없다고 믿고 있지만, 그것은 어디까지나 부분적으로 올바르다고 할 뿐이다.한시기 타이의 대부분의 영토는 프랑스에 빼앗겨 그것을 반환하기 위해서 일본이 평화 조약을 교섭한, 그렇지만 자신의 영토를 자기 자신으로 탈환한 것은 타이 자신이었다.

그리고 제2차 대전이 된다.일본은 태국에 침공했지만, 그 때의 전투는 일본이 오는 것을 허가하기 위한 의식과 같은 것이며 단기간에 끝났다.일본과 태국은 동맹국이 되었다.물론 Seri Tai(자유 타이 운동)등이 사소한 사건은 있었지만.

아래와 같은 링크로부터:
태국의 전의 수상, 쿠크리트・프라모트(Kukrit Pramoj) 씨,당시 , 그는 신문 「SlamRath」의 편집장이며 1973년에는 수상이 된, 은, 이하와 같이 적고 있다.

모든 아시아의 나라들이 독립을 얻은 것은 일본의 덕분입니다.만물의 근원인 일본이야, 대단한 괴로움을 동반하는 난산이었지만, 당신의 아이들은 부쩍부쩍성장해 강하고 건강하게 되었습니다.

오늘, 미국이나 영국등의 나라와 동등의 입장을 동남아시아의 나라들의 사람들에 가져와 준 것은 누구입니까? 그것은 일본입니다, 일본이 우리 동남아시아의 나라들의 어머니입니다.자비 깊은 행동을 나타내 자기희생의 위업을 완수했습니다.

12월 8일, 만물의 근원인 일본이 우리에게 중요한 일을 가르쳐 준 날입니다.우리를 위해서 그녀 자신의 번영을 위험에 처해서까지 중대한 결정을 내려, 우리를 위해서 그녀가 목숨을 걸어 준 날입니다.

게다가 8월 15일, 이 날, 우리의 가장 사랑하는 그리고 존경해야 할 어머니가 여위어 병에 쓰러진 날입니다.

우리는 이러한 날을 마음에 새깁니다.

The Myth that Asia hates Japan --
I have been in Asia a long time, in 21 countries. I was just down in Indonesia where Japan is remembered as key to Indonesia"s liberation.
Japanese are held in such high esteem that 16 Japanese Soldiers are buried at the Indonesion version of Arlington. Some of those Japanese were buried under Christian crosses, which is interesting given that most of the people buried there are Muslims.
And now I am in the library section of the National Museum in Bangkok, Thailand, with fellow researchers.
Many people do not realize that Thailand was an Axis power in World War II, and was allied with Japan.
Earlier, Japan helped Thailand defeat the French. Japan did not actually fight, but helped Thailand variously such as with weapons.
Thailand redeemed earlier conquests from the French and British that took almost 80% of Thai territory and in 1940 beat the French with its own heart and hands.
There were naval battles against superior French ships. Thailand used four Japanese submarines, and Japanese and American weapons. In the air, Thailand used Japanese and American airplanes.
The French signed the surrender document on a Japanese cruiser Natori.
The peace treaty was signed in Tokyo and returned much land to Thailand.
Many Thais believe that Thailand never has been occupied but this is partially true. Large parts of Thailand were stolen by the French, for one, and the Japanese negotiated the peace treaty to get it back, but it was Thailand who recovered its own land.
And then came WWII. Japan invaded Thailand but the battle was short and ceremonial to save face to allow Japan to come in. Japan and Thailand soon were allies, though there was the Seri Thai (Free Thai) movement and other nuances.
From the link below:
The former Prime Minister of Thailand, Kukrit Pramoj, who was Chief Editor of the newspaper ‘Siam Rath’ at the time and who took office as Prime Minister in 1973, stated:
“It was thanks to Japan that all nations of Asia gained independence. For Mother Japan, it was a difficult birth which resulted in much suffering, yet her children are growing up quickly to be healthy and strong.
"Who was it that enabled the citizens of the nations of Southeast Asia to gain equal status alongside the United States and Britain today? It is because Japan, who acted like a mother to us all, carried out acts of benevolence towards us and performed feats of self-sacrifice.
"December 8th is the day when Mother Japan – who taught us this important lesson – laid her life on the line for us, after making a momentous decision and risking her own well-being for our sake.
Furthermore, August 15th is the day when our beloved and revered mother was frail and ailing. Neither of these two days should ever be forgotten”.


TOTAL: 24394

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