






  合同捜査団によると、この職員は2010年から昨年にかけ、機務司令部の内部文書である「防衛産業の動向」や「武器購入の現況および計画」などの文書を、 イルクァン工営のイ・ギュテ会長(66)=逮捕・起訴済み=に直接渡した疑い(軍刑法の軍事上秘密漏えい容疑)が持たれている。この職員は10年ほど前か らイ会長と親交があったことが分かった。イ会長は、空軍の電子戦訓練装備(EWTS)導入事業をめぐり、1000億ウォン(約110億億円)以上の詐欺行 為をしたとして、今年3月に逮捕・起訴された。

 この職員に対する捜査は、合同捜査団が3月、京畿道議政府市の道峰山近くに ある貸しコンテナ(1.5トン)に、イルクァン工営が軍事関連の大量の資料を保管していたのを発見したのが発端となった。合同捜査団は、イルクァン工営が 保管していた軍事関連資料の出所を明らかにする捜査を進め、機務司令部が合同捜査団の指揮の下で行った捜査により、問題の職員の犯行が判明した、と説明し た。





South Korean air force chief audited for embezzlement

          by -          
0 14





Ministry of National Defense says General Choi Cha-kyu denied allegations and requested audit.

SEOUL – South Korea’s air force chief has been placed under investigation following allegations regarding the misuse of public funds, the country’s Ministry of National Defense announced Monday.

National news agency Yonhap quoted an unnamed ministry official as saying that Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Choi Cha-kyu denied the allegations.

“Choi himself asked Defense Minister Han Min-koo for an audit last week, and Han accepted,” he added.

The move comes amid accusations of Choi’s alleged involvement in embezzling 3 million won (around $2,770) of unit maintenance budget while serving as 10th Fighter Wing commander between 2008-2009.

His family members also allegedly used official vehicles for personal use after Choi took up his current post in 2014.

His wife is suspected of spending large amounts of public funds on the official residence and “extravagant pieces of furniture,” Yonhap reported, citing media reports and civic groups.

The ministry official told the agency that details of the investigation would be made public once the audit finalized.






한국군 범죄 뉴스

한국군:군사정보를 업자에게 제공, 기무사령부 전직원을 체포

 한국 정부의 방위 사업 부정 합동 수사단(김・기돈 단장)은 6일, 무기 중개업자 이르크 공영에 대해, 대량의 군사정보를 유출시킨 용의등에서, 기무사령부(기밀 관리등을 담당하는 정보 기관) 소속의 사무직원(59)을 체포했다.

  합동 수사단에 의하면, 이 직원은 2010년부터 작년에 걸쳐 기무사령부의 내부 문서인「방위 산업의 동향」나「무기 구입의 현황 및 계획」등의 문서를, 이르크 공영의 이・규테 회장(66)=체포・기소가 끝난 상태=에 직접 건네준 혐의(군형법의 군사상 비밀 누설 용의)가 두고 있다.이 직원은 10년 정도 전인가 들 이 회장과 친교가 있던 것을 알았다.이 회장은, 공군의 전자전 훈련 장비(EWTS) 도입 사업을 둘러싸고, 1000억원( 약 110억억엔) 이상의 사기행 때문을 했다고 해서, 금년 3월에 체포・기소되었다.

 이 직원에 대한 수사는, 합동 수사단이 3월, 경기도 의정부시의 도봉산 근처에 어느A 대여 컨테이너(1.5톤)에, 이르크 공영이 군사 관련의 대량의 자료를 보관하고 있던 것을 발견한 것이 발단이 되었다.합동 수사단은, 이르크 공영이 보관하고 있던 군사 관련 자료의 출처(소)를 분명히 하는 수사를 진행시켜 기무사령부가 합동 수사단의 지휘아래에서 실시한 수사에 의해, 문제의 직원의 범행이 판명되었다, 라고 설명해 .

소크・남즐 기자


South Korean air force chief audited for embezzlement

by -
0 14

Ministry of National Defense says General Choi Cha-kyu denied allegations and requested audit.

SEOUL – South Korea’s air force chief has been placed under investigation following allegations regarding the misuse of public funds, the country’s Ministry of National Defense announced Monday.

National news agency Yonhap quoted an unnamed ministry official as saying that Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Choi Cha-kyu denied the allegations.

“Choi himself asked Defense Minister Han Min-koo for an audit last week, and Han accepted,” he added.

The move comes amid accusations of Choi’s alleged involvement in embezzling 3 million won (around $2,770) of unit maintenance budget while serving as 10th Fighter Wing commander between 2008-2009.

His family members also allegedly used official vehicles for personal use after Choi took up his current post in 2014.

His wife is suspected of spending large amounts of public funds on the official residence and “extravagant pieces of furniture,” Yonhap reported, citing media reports and civic groups.

The ministry official told the agency that details of the investigation would be made public once the audit finalized.


TOTAL: 24382

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