
Eurostar set to order non-French trains

By Robert Wright, Transport Correspondent

Published: October 1 2010 13:49 | Last updated: October 1 2010 19:54

Eurostar looks poised to defy French government opposition by becoming the first affiliate of SNCF, France’s state-owned train operator, to order non-French high-speed trains.

A board meeting on Friday afternoon of Eurostar, which is controlled by SNCF, decided to press on towards a final contract, likely to be worth more than $826m, for Velaro-D trains from Germany’s Siemens. Eurostar runs high-speed trains between the UK and mainland Europe.

Paris has been working hard in the past week to persuade the tunnel’s safety authorities to overturn a change in rules, people involved said. The change made it possible for the first time for the German-built trains to use the tunnel.

SNCF and its international joint ventures – which include Eurostar and Thalys, which runs from Paris to Brussels, Cologne and Amsterdam – previously ordered high-speed trains from Alstom, widely seen in France as a national champion. Alstom builds SNCF’s flagship 300kph TGV trains.

Eurostar selected the Velaro-D, the latest version of Germany’s ICE high-speed train family, over Alstom’s AGV, as its preferred option in June, but the deal became public only on Friday. The Velaro-D and AGV are now seen as Europe’s leading competitors for large high-speed train orders. SNCF has a record of buying trains built by non-French companies, including Canada’s Bombardier, but previous orders have been built at the contractors’ French factories.

Two of the parties involved told the Financial Times that French authorities were exerting pressure for a renewal of a recently-removed ban on the use of the tunnel by trains with “distributed traction”, where electrical equipment is hidden under the floor and the motors are distributed throughout the train.

Until earlier this year, the tunnel safety rules said all trains using it had to have electrical equipment and motors concentrated in power cars at either end, the arrangement on Euro-star’s existing trains, built in the early 1990s.

Both parties believed it reflected official frustration that Eurostar had opted for the German product. “What they are saying is that they will not endorse trains with distributed traction going through the tunnel,” one person familiar with Eurostar’s position said of the French authorities’ stance.

An international trainmaker confirmed the French authorities had been campaigning on the issue.

Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, has regularly expressed his pride in his pivotal role, when economy minister, in arranging a state-backed rescue for Alstom when it was in danger of collapse in 2004. When Alstom unveiled the AGV in 2008, Mr Sarkozy questioned the right of Alstom’s competitors to sell trains in France.




유로 스타의 신형은 독일제

Eurostar set to order non-French trains

By Robert Wright, Transport Correspondent

Published: October 1 2010 13:49 | Last updated: October 1 2010 19:54

Eurostar looks poised to defy French government opposition by becoming the first affiliate of SNCF, France’s state-owned train operator, to order non-French high-speed trains.

A board meeting on Friday afternoon of Eurostar, which is controlled by SNCF, decided to press on towards a final contract, likely to be worth more than $826m, for Velaro-D trains from Germany’s Siemens. Eurostar runs high-speed trains between the UK and mainland Europe.

Paris has been working hard in the past week to persuade the tunnel’s safety authorities to overturn a change in rules, people involved said. The change made it possible for the first time for the German-built trains to use the tunnel.

SNCF and its international joint ventures – which include Eurostar and Thalys, which runs from Paris to Brussels, Cologne and Amsterdam – previously ordered high-speed trains from Alstom, widely seen in France as a national champion. Alstom builds SNCF’s flagship 300kph TGV trains.

Eurostar selected the Velaro-D, the latest version of Germany’s ICE high-speed train family, over Alstom’s AGV, as its preferred option in June, but the deal became public only on Friday. The Velaro-D and AGV are now seen as Europe’s leading competitors for large high-speed train orders. SNCF has a record of buying trains built by non-French companies, including Canada’s Bombardier, but previous orders have been built at the contractors’ French factories.

Two of the parties involved told the Financial Times that French authorities were exerting pressure for a renewal of a recently-removed ban on the use of the tunnel by trains with “distributed traction”, where electrical equipment is hidden under the floor and the motors are distributed throughout the train.

Until earlier this year, the tunnel safety rules said all trains using it had to have electrical equipment and motors concentrated in power cars at either end, the arrangement on Euro-star’s existing trains, built in the early 1990s.

Both parties believed it reflected official frustration that Eurostar had opted for the German product. “What they are saying is that they will not endorse trains with distributed traction going through the tunnel,” one person familiar with Eurostar’s position said of the French authorities’ stance.

An international trainmaker confirmed the French authorities had been campaigning on the issue.

Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, has regularly expressed his pride in his pivotal role, when economy minister, in arranging a state-backed rescue for Alstom when it was in danger of collapse in 2004. When Alstom unveiled the AGV in 2008, Mr Sarkozy questioned the right of Alstom’s competitors to sell trains in France.


프랑스 정부의 반대를 치우고, 독일제의 동력 분산형 고속 열차 Velaro-D를, 차기 유로 스타에게 선택하려고 하고 있는 것 같습니다.
마지막 장벽이, 유러터널을 달리는 열차는, 기관차 방식이 아니면 안된다고 한 조항의 수정이라고.그러나, 그것도 아르스틈의 AGV도 같은 장해가 되어 있으므로, 그 조항은 폐지하지 않으면 안된다던가...

시대에 뒤떨어진 기관차 방식도, 벌써 마지막인가?^^

TOTAL: 5166

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