


Will the California high-speed train system share tracks with heavy freight trains and other conventional services?


In California, high-speed trains will not share tracks with conventional freight trains anywhere on the proposed 800-mile system. The only areas where the 800-mile California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks with other types of passenger trains are between San Francisco and San Jose (50-miles), and Los Angeles and Anaheim (27-miles). At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. The existing infrastructure would be improved to remove grade separations, and install fencing, new signaling system, and additional tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.


Will the high-speed train system help improve safety with commuter rail systems like Metrolink and CalTrain?


Yes, the California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks and improve safety with CalTrain express services between San Francisco and San Jose, and Metrolink and Amtrak services between Los Angeles and Anaheim. At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. These commuter rail services would be improved by removing grade crossings (the tracks will be fully grade separated), and installing fencing, providing a new signaling system, and adding tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.


カリフォルニア高速鉄道の路線は San Joseとサンフランシスコ区間, そして LAと Anaheim 区間で在来鉄路を併用することが元々計画です.  倭人が主張する kaesaeki 個人の所望みたいなのではないです.



CA정부 FAQ : Cali 고속열차는 재래철로를 달립니까? 예, 달립니다.



Will the California high-speed train system share tracks with heavy freight trains and other conventional services?


In California, high-speed trains will not share tracks with conventional freight trains anywhere on the proposed 800-mile system. The only areas where the 800-mile California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks with other types of passenger trains are between San Francisco and San Jose (50-miles), and Los Angeles and Anaheim (27-miles). At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. The existing infrastructure would be improved to remove grade separations, and install fencing, new signaling system, and additional tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.


Will the high-speed train system help improve safety with commuter rail systems like Metrolink and CalTrain?


Yes, the California high-speed train system is expected to share tracks and improve safety with CalTrain express services between San Francisco and San Jose, and Metrolink and Amtrak services between Los Angeles and Anaheim. At these locations, the high-speed train system would be operating at reduced speeds that would be compatible with other passenger trains. These commuter rail services would be improved by removing grade crossings (the tracks will be fully grade separated), and installing fencing, providing a new signaling system, and adding tracks to keep the high-speed trains safe and to improve the safety and performance of the other passenger trains.


캘리포니아 고속철도의 노선은 San Jose와 샌프란시스코 구간, 그리고 LA와 Anaheim 구간에서 재래철로를 병용하는 것이 원래 계획입니다.  왜인이 주장하는 kaesaeki 개인의 소망같은 것이 아닙니다.


즉 신칸센은 자격미달이라는 것이지요.

TOTAL: 5167

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