


SoCal officials urge shared high-speed rail track
By DAISY NGUYEN Associated Press Writer


LOS ANGELES-The California High-Speed Rail Authority board agreed on Thursday to look into sharing track with other passenger train services between Los Angeles to Anaheim-a move that proponents say could save hundreds of homes and businesses and billions of dollars in construction costs.


Local officials have raised concerns in recent months that planners were trying to squeeze in new tracks for bullet trains along the nation¥“s second busiest passenger rail corridor. Worried the pursuit would lead to bulldozers plowing through dense industrial and residential areas to make room for the high-speed line, they requested further study of a shared use option.

The authority board accepted the request during a meeting in San Jose.


Richard Katz, a Los Angeles transportation official who is on the high-speed rail board, said the concept could save up to $2 billion and reduce impact on communities along the route.

It could also lead to upgrading tracks currently used by Amtrak and Metrolink, the regional commuter train service, and the construction of overpasses or underpasses to separate trains from car and foot traffic. Such improvements would make cities along the corridor more livable and help trains run faster, Katz said.


カリフォルニア高速鉄道の LA - Anaheim 区間は現地地域住民と公務員の新規専用鉄路反対に在来鉄路併用で行くことみたいです.



전용철로를 절대 반대! 고속열차는 재래식 철로를 달려라!



SoCal officials urge shared high-speed rail track
By DAISY NGUYEN Associated Press Writer


LOS ANGELES-The California High-Speed Rail Authority board agreed on Thursday to look into sharing track with other passenger train services between Los Angeles to Anaheim-a move that proponents say could save hundreds of homes and businesses and billions of dollars in construction costs.


Local officials have raised concerns in recent months that planners were trying to squeeze in new tracks for bullet trains along the nation"s second busiest passenger rail corridor. Worried the pursuit would lead to bulldozers plowing through dense industrial and residential areas to make room for the high-speed line, they requested further study of a shared use option.

The authority board accepted the request during a meeting in San Jose.


Richard Katz, a Los Angeles transportation official who is on the high-speed rail board, said the concept could save up to $2 billion and reduce impact on communities along the route.

It could also lead to upgrading tracks currently used by Amtrak and Metrolink, the regional commuter train service, and the construction of overpasses or underpasses to separate trains from car and foot traffic. Such improvements would make cities along the corridor more livable and help trains run faster, Katz said.


캘리포니아 고속철도의 LA - Anaheim 구간은 현지 지역주민과 공무원의 신규 전용철로 반대로 재래철로 병용으로 가는 것 같습니다.


샌프란시스코 또한 도심구간은 재래철로 병용을 검토중입니다. 

TOTAL: 5165

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