



Caltrain officials have convinced federal safety authorities to allow quick European-style electric trains to zip from San Francisco to San Jose, a national first that paves the way for fast electric commuter and high-speed trains in the Bay Area and around the country.

Although common in Europe, the smaller electric trains are illegal in the United States because federal officials have long considered them too small, poorly designed and unsafe. But after three years of tests and research, Caltrain will become the first railroad in the nation to use the technology after being granted a waiver, a copy of which was obtained by the Bay Area News Group, on Thursday.


The waiver allows all passenger trains, whether diesel or electric, to run on the same tracks. Freight locomotives can continue to operate in the wee hours while passenger trains are parked.




今度特別許可の対象はカリフォルニアの Caltrain 路線に限定できるが, 信号体系アップグレードの条件さえ合わせたら他の路線での追加承認は大きい問題がないだろう.

したがってヨーロッパ規格に付く TGV, Velaro, KTX2位のヨーロッパ式高速列車はアメリカの在来式鉄路で運行する権利を確保しました. 



追加で, 今度許可はヨーロッパ規格の乗客列車に限定されて, 新幹線は除かれます.

미국 FRA : 유럽규격 전철의 미국운행을 최초로 허가




Caltrain officials have convinced federal safety authorities to allow quick European-style electric trains to zip from San Francisco to San Jose, a national first that paves the way for fast electric commuter and high-speed trains in the Bay Area and around the country.

Although common in Europe, the smaller electric trains are illegal in the United States because federal officials have long considered them too small, poorly designed and unsafe. But after three years of tests and research, Caltrain will become the first railroad in the nation to use the technology after being granted a waiver, a copy of which was obtained by the Bay Area News Group, on Thursday.


The waiver allows all passenger trains, whether diesel or electric, to run on the same tracks. Freight locomotives can continue to operate in the wee hours while passenger trains are parked.


미국 철도청(FRA)이 수년의 검토결과 최초로 미국의 재래식 철로에서 유럽규격 전철 운행을 허가했습니다.


이번 특별허가의 대상은 캘리포니아의 Caltrain 노선에 한정되나, 신호체계 업그레이드의 조건만 맞춘다면 다른 노선에서의 추가 승인은 큰 문제가 없을 것입니다.

따라서 유럽규격을 따르는 TGV, Velaro, KTX2등의 유럽식 고속열차는 미국의 재래식 철로에서 운행할 권리를 확보하였습니다. 


추가로, 이번 허가는 유럽규격의 승객열차에 한정되며, 신칸센은 제외됩니다.

TOTAL: 5163

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