
坂本慎太郎 「ある日のこと」






Shintaro Sakamoto「One Day 」

I meet a raccoon family

Floating bamboo leaf boats for fun

My clumsiness 

Makes for an awkward conversation

“You spout all sorts of

Worldly proclamations

But how are things at home?” they ask

I don’t have a response

I say I’ve got preparations to take care of,  

Bow and head home

Watching tadpoles in a rice paddy

I meet a crow couple

I speak politely to everyone I meet…

And the crows look me in the eye

It’s not as if

I’m fooling myself

But I flinch when they seem to ask,

“How do you really feel?”

I say I"ve got work to do

And head home

Sometimes it seems like 

Everything I do backfires

I don’t have a quick reply

To their question, “Anything good happen this year?”

I say I’ve got that thing tomorrow, 

Bow and head home

This is what happened, that one day

좋은 노래

<iframe frameborder="0" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/uJH7Y_0kWeI" width="640" height="360" class="note-video-clip"></iframe>

사카모토 신타로 「있다 일의 일」

세의 배를 띄워 놀고 있는너구리의 부모와 자식과 만나는
내의 서투르고 회화가의구 샤크로서 왔다

있는 일 없는 일 봐 온 것같은 입 하지만
댁의 가족은 어떻게?라고말해지면 아무것도 말할 수 없는
준비가 있다의로 아무래도는,고개를 숙이고집에 돌아가는사람

올챙이를 보고 있으면(자) 논에서까마귀의 부부와 만나는
나는 누구라도 경어로,그들은 눈을 보고 오는

특히 자신을 속이고있는 것이 아니지만
진짜 기분은 어떻게?라고추궁 당하고 있는 생각이 들어 기가 죽는
일이 있다의로 아무래도는,인사하고집에 돌아가는사람

하는 일 모두 예상외에나올 때도 있지만
금년은 좋은 일이 있었어?라고(들)물어도 곧바로 말할 수 없는
내일이 있다의로 아무래도는,고개를 숙여인사하고,집에 돌아가는있다 일의 일로 했다

Shintaro Sakamoto 「One Day 」

I meet a raccoon family

Floating bamboo leaf boats for fun

My clumsiness

Makes for an awkward conversation

“You spout all sorts of

Worldly proclamations

But how are things at home?” they ask

I don’t have a response

I say I’ve got preparations to take care of,

Bow and head home

Watching tadpoles in a rice paddy

I meet a crow couple

I speak politely to everyone I meet…

And the crows look me in the eye

It’s not as if

I’m fooling myself

But I flinch when they seem to ask,

“How do you really feel?”

I say I"ve got work to do

And head home

Sometimes it seems like

Everything I do backfires

I don’t have a quick reply

To their question, “Anything good happen thisyear?”

I say I’ve got that thing tomorrow,

Bow and head home

This is what happened, that one day

TOTAL: 16897

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