
22-23日東京旅行を行きます. 澁谷 AXで Grapevineの公演を見ようと

I got a plan to travel tokyo next weekend.
but, this is my first time of trip to japan.
I will go to shibuya-AX to see the live of the band grapevine.
how can i get to there from shibuya subway-station.
anyone who let me know?

shibuya-AX 가는 법 좀 알려주세요

22-23일 동경여행을 갑니다. 시부야 AX에서 Grapevine의 공연을 볼려고 하는데 시부야 역에서 어떻게 가는지 아시는분 계신가요? 인터넷 검색을 해도 잘 안나오네요. I got a plan to travel tokyo next weekend. but, this is my first time of trip to japan. I will go to shibuya-AX to see the live of the band grapevine. how can i get to there from shibuya subway-station. anyone who let me know?

TOTAL: 6037

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
5097 re:5/13◇寒流☆ナイト narcotic 2006-05-03 1600 0
5096 日本でホームステイしたいです 카이사르쩡 2006-04-30 1740 0
5095 i am iooking for friend ^^ alex 2006-04-25 2040 0
5094 ルームメートになりたいが... kyunghohihi 2006-04-24 1664 0
5093 初心者 韓日サークル 東京交流会....... syo 2006-04-23 1762 0
5092 re:친구 모집!!!!!!ㅋ....... ksw4949 2006-04-23 833 0
5091 re:韓国人の友達募集 ksw4949 2006-04-23 824 0
5090 re:신오오쿠보에....... ksw4949 2006-04-23 1174 0
5089 関東の日本の方、友達になりません....... HATU 2006-04-22 1689 0
5088 日本の友達... 그라베 2006-04-22 2238 0
5087 re:協力をお願い致します ksw4949 2006-04-21 1546 0
5086 5/13◇韓流☆ナイト narcotic 2006-04-21 2331 0
5085 Working Visa について momopeach77 2006-04-16 1881 0
5084 Hi there Meg 2006-04-14 1985 0
5083 東京に住んでいる日本の方に.. allyop 2006-04-17 1972 0
5082 re:shibuya-AX 行く法ちょっとお知らせ下....... koji 2006-04-12 1790 0
5081 korean food koji 2006-04-12 1575 0
5080 ルームメートやルムスェオヘズシル....... Yonsama 2006-04-12 1700 0
5079 shibuya-AX 行く法ちょっとお知らせ下さ....... Tek 2006-04-11 1792 0
5078 한국어와 일본&....... GOOD WILL 2006-04-07 2456 0