
I"m Korean 25years man.
I"m in Seoul National University, senior.
Not ugly, I am sure. ^^
In 7/30~8/1, I will be in Tokyo.
But I don"t know about there.
I wish to assisted by someone to live in there.
I want to go to the Disney Land, etc..
Can you serve your time and effort to me?
It is expected that we will make good memories..^^

HI~! (see my profile)

Hi!! I"m Korean 25years man. I"m in Seoul National University, senior. Not ugly, I am sure. ^^ In 7/30~8/1, I will be in Tokyo. But I don"t know about there. I wish to assisted by someone to live in there. I want to go to the Disney Land, etc.. Can you serve your time and effort to me? It is expected that we will make good memories..^^

TOTAL: 6038

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
4858 静岡でLanguage Exchangeできる方いません....... banana 2005-07-17 748 0
4857 東京友達付き合いたいです. 친구 2005-07-16 801 0
4856 여자를 공중화&....... kanikani 2005-07-15 1379 0
4855 韓国語個人レッスンします(東京) philadelphia 2005-07-15 854 0
4854 SKYPE 友達を作りたいです. 친구 2005-07-15 717 0
4853 HI~! (see my profile) feyebrow 2005-07-14 769 0
4852 日本人ルームメート!!!!!!!!! mitsui 2005-07-13 1276 0
4851 ゴルフ事業パートナー求めます japahelp 2005-07-09 1101 0
4850 TokyoかKawasaki、Yokoy....... Hisashi 2005-07-09 1094 0
4849 こんにちは^−^ ミーちゃん 2005-07-07 741 0
4848 静岡買う吹いたところで助けが腕要....... krb71 2005-07-07 1134 0
4847 i will trip to tokyo from 7/14 to 7/17 eddie 2005-07-06 719 0
4846 Hello~ Ryu 2005-07-13 1219 0
4845 7.16KOREAN DISCOTEC☆留学生歓迎☆遊びに....... yoshi 2005-07-04 2025 0
4844 re:韓国語の家庭教師募集 jeady 2005-07-04 562 0
4843 ホ-ムステイ(または宿泊)ができる方 피터팬 2005-07-07 1230 0
4842 2006年4月 東京で住む方探して....... hakujpop 2005-07-02 829 0
4841 映画『パッチギ!』上映会&井筒監....... shin 2005-06-30 690 0
4840 re:胸が痛む事情たち.... krb71 2005-06-28 636 0
4839 サイワールドを紹介します. 친구 2005-06-28 769 0