
I"m interested in having language exchange partners at a cafe on weekends or after work. I can help your Japanese, please teach me Korean.(incidentally my korean level is very beginner,but I can communicate with Japanese/English.)
I"m 30ys, works for IT company. I have been to Korea 3 times. If you"re interested in this, I can send my photo, and why don"t you decide details together ?

Exchange partner sought

I"m interested in having language exchange partners at a cafe on weekends or after work. I can help your Japanese, please teach me Korean.(incidentally my korean level is very beginner,but I can communicate with Japanese/English.) I"m 30ys, works for IT company. I have been to Korea 3 times. If you"re interested in this, I can send my photo, and why don"t you decide details together ?

TOTAL: 6037

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
4197 RE :RE : 長くてメールやりとりするこ....... TOMO 2004-08-15 357 0
4196 参加者募集 8/24「論よりキムチ」? HAR 2004-08-14 403 0
4195 RE : 長くてメールやりとりすることが....... Min 2004-08-13 420 0
4194 長くメール交換できる友達が欲しい....... TOMO 2004-08-13 820 0
4193 hajimemasite~~^^ Jo 2004-08-13 373 0
4192 RE :東京9月3日 5日 案内して頂けます....... baobaojin401 2004-08-13 1188 0
4191 韓国語!一緒&#....... jj0814 2004-08-12 910 0
4190 東京9月3日 5日 ....... HOPE 2004-08-12 1082 0
4189 日本で... 日本人友達を捜しています........ woahan 2004-08-11 577 0
4188 RE : Exchange partner sought sammyboi 2004-08-11 259 0
4187 チォウムブェです^^* badukr 2004-08-11 389 0
4186 RE : アヌルアセオ‾♪ badukr 2004-08-11 287 0
4185 한국인의 멤버 ....... iectokyo 2004-08-10 1143 0
4184 8.28韓国歌謡ディスコ@新大久保駅から....... narcotic 2004-08-10 454 0
4183 日本人友逹 !!! 私と友人になりましょ....... oopssky 2004-08-09 956 0
4182 日本の友達を&#....... h9922170 2004-08-09 859 0
4181 こんにちは^^ khx2j 2004-08-09 659 0
4180 Exchange partner sought shellykikiwan 2004-08-08 572 0
4179 日本人友達を捜します^-^〓 mavs2 2004-08-08 641 0
4178 韓会話教えます! th-toru 2004-08-08 1020 0