
Hello! Everyone. My name is Choi(29years old). I"m a graduate student of Tokyo Institute of Technology. I was lived in the Fujigaoka which is the next station of Aobadai. I"m very interested in the culture of Japan. I can teach Korean to you and I want to learn about the Japanses language. If you have some time,how about meet with me and talk about the culture of Japan and Korea. Please mail to me kwchoi21@hi.pi.titech.ac.jp ( please with your photo )

I hope to be a friend with you

Hello! Everyone. My name is Choi(29years old). I"m a graduate student of Tokyo Institute of Technology. I was lived in the Fujigaoka which is the next station of Aobadai. I"m very interested in the culture of Japan. I can teach Korean to you and I want to learn about the Japanses language. If you have some time,how about meet with me and talk about the culture of Japan and Korea. Please mail to me kwchoi21@hi.pi.titech.ac.jp ( please with your photo )

TOTAL: 6037

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
3897 一緒に勉強しましょう。 pack9999@hotmail.com 2004-04-18 645 0
3896 日本人友達募集 sehe88 2004-04-18 332 0
3895 韓国語講座体験授業説明会 てつ 2004-04-18 363 0
3894 ddd wolinica 2004-04-16 258 0
3893 こんにちは lkh7355 2004-04-16 786 0
3892 嵐の fanと... 大野智love 2004-04-16 929 0
3891 韓国人のともだちをさがしてます! lovecorea04 2004-04-15 627 0
3890 手紙でペンパルする方‾‾^^ cig1004 2004-04-15 261 0
3889 I hope to be a friend with you wan 2004-04-15 420 0
3888 日本人の皆様へ:横浜にいる韓国人....... shimikuro 2004-04-14 453 0
3887 日本人(にほんじん)友逹(ともだち....... wooza 2004-04-14 382 0
3886 友達加筆要し ! promise0 2004-04-14 407 0
3885 RE : 友達募集 himawarisuki 2004-04-14 282 0
3884 友達募集 sitmkwgc 2004-04-14 483 0
3883 RE :RE :韓国語教えて下さい。or情報下....... riesugaya2 2004-04-13 268 0
3882 日本に生活費だけでホームステイハ....... withsojuok 2004-04-13 345 0
3881 RE :韓国語教えて下さい。or情報下さ....... koji 2004-04-13 383 0
3880 韓国語教えて下さい。or情報下さい。 riesugaya2 2004-04-12 974 0
3879 日本の友達と付き合いたいです kyh0527 2004-04-12 375 0
3878 バイトで韓国&#....... griny 2004-04-12 378 0