
I wanna make friends w/ Korean univ or gradiate school students who can speak Japanese or English. I am senior in undergrad. I like cultural exchange so much. Many Korean students study at my univ and I visited some Korean univ in Seoul last Feb. I am learning Korean and wanna talk w/ you in Korean before long. If you are interested, please send e-mail to b2232s1224@msn.com w/ your introduction. Thanks

대학생 & 대학원학생

I wanna make friends w/ Korean univ or gradiate school students who can speak Japanese or English. I am senior in undergrad. I like cultural exchange so much. Many Korean students study at my univ and I visited some Korean univ in Seoul last Feb. I am learning Korean and wanna talk w/ you in Korean before long. If you are interested, please send e-mail to b2232s1224@msn.com w/ your introduction. Thanks

TOTAL: 1356

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
1196 日本人友達を捜しています. 아름다운이 2006-07-25 5118 0
1195 대학생 & 대학원....... Yoshitake 2006-06-28 5237 0
1194 週末に釣りに&#....... bluemoon 2006-06-22 5119 0
1193 日本人友逹をがほしいです。 ljy1477 2006-06-21 5349 0
1192 天安? nao 2006-06-18 5619 0
1191 心理テスト ashlies 2006-06-12 3680 0
1190 私は日本人です...友達を捜します.. jumdol0 2006-06-19 7996 0
1189 日本に関心のある方いませんか? kundori 2006-06-15 5451 0
1188 友達になります!‾ VIRYAHE 2006-04-20 4696 0
1187 チォンアンエサルゴイッヌン高3 です....... Hyeon1914 2006-04-08 4605 0
1186 ホームページwww.eunjimo.com 슈퍼맨 2006-03-23 4460 0
1185 天安居住‾日本+日本語+友達+関心い....... 카스미 2006-03-23 8038 0
1184 日本女友達付き合いたいです..(一緒....... たぬき 2006-03-22 8343 0
1183 日本語勉強一緒にする方‾!!! 白一 2006-02-10 4098 0
1182 天安から..日本語でデファがヌングハ....... sai82 2006-01-12 8027 0
1181 k−popsとてもいい曲あるね ....... izumi 2006-01-08 4835 0
1180 今日も新しい文がないですね ^^ sorrylove 2005-12-24 4478 0
1179 3年ぶりに接続しますね.. sorrylove 2005-12-21 4364 0
1178 古本屋について教えてください。 KIRARI 2005-11-23 4960 0
1177 日本人と友たちになりたいですね.. np11w 2005-11-20 4258 0