加入あいさつ FreeStyle

Hi, Japanese friends. I"m Sean. (It"s my nick.)
My name is Hyung Ki Kim.
As you like musics, I am also a music jungky.
Everyday, I bring my MD player to listen to music and love singing songs by myself. ^^
I am glad to see you who got the same hobby.
In addition to that, I love to talk with persons in MSN messanger.
If you have address in MSN, let"s talk with me right away! I have studied japanese in my school day, now I almost forgot. However, I try to have practices with my younger sister who had been in TOKYO as a student during 6 years. She is almost japanese native speaker, I think. ^^
Pls keep contact with me.

P.S my MSN address is kurasue@hotmail.com

일본친구를 만들고 싶습니다.^^

Hi, Japanese friends. I"m Sean. (It"s my nick.) My name is Hyung Ki Kim. As you like musics, I am also a music jungky. Everyday, I bring my MD player to listen to music and love singing songs by myself. ^^ I am glad to see you who got the same hobby. In addition to that, I love to talk with persons in MSN messanger. If you have address in MSN, let"s talk with me right away! I have studied japanese in my school day, now I almost forgot. However, I try to have practices with my younger sister who had been in TOKYO as a student during 6 years. She is almost japanese native speaker, I think. ^^ Pls keep contact with me. P.S my MSN address is kurasue@hotmail.com

TOTAL: 7097

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
1677 嬉しいです‾〓 dlqnd7917 2003-07-16 143 0
1676 加入しました^o^ yappii0036 2003-07-16 356 0
1675 加入しました. yun4947 2003-07-15 343 0
1674 こんにちは ^-^ 박윤정 2003-07-12 171 0
1673 アンニョングハセム‾ wjd0709 2003-07-11 182 0
1672 日本人友達と付き合いたいです^-^* hohowjd 2003-07-10 169 0
1671 日本人友達を.. blue1026 2003-07-08 184 0
1670 はじめまして iwachan 2003-07-08 309 0
1669 会員されたことを身内の祝して... njoyjob 2003-07-08 153 0
1668 加入あいさつ!! smog222 2003-07-06 266 0
1667 加入あいさつします! peacek7 2003-07-06 182 0
1666 日本人友達と付き合いたいです. calismawild 2003-07-03 339 0
1665 日本人友達を捜します..^^ skaldp2244 2003-07-01 183 0
1664 日本人友達がほしいです‾‾‾ jyj3175 2003-07-01 180 0
1663 こんにちは sksskwksgdk 2003-07-01 153 0
1662 日本の友達を作りたいです.^^ kurasue 2003-07-01 172 0
1661 ようこそです‾ gpalsdl12 2003-06-30 159 0
1660 加入あいさつ. rucal 2003-06-29 155 0
1659 加入あいさつさせていただきます. aqua523 2003-06-28 147 0
1658 こんにちは.. hohoi012 2003-06-27 142 0