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アメリカで一男が乳牛の服を入庫(cow costume play ?) ワルマトに入って行って牛乳約 26 gallonを盗んで出たと言います. 

Apparently, the cow-suited criminal escaped the megastore by crawling out the doors, trying to emulate cattle. He then began handing out the stolen jugs right outside the store before making his escape, in a sort of bovine interpretation of Robin Hood.

が乳牛服装の犯人は店で逃げる時少義動作を真似って (?) 門にくぐったと言います.  結局男はグンチョマクドナルドでつかまったと言います.
I gotta tell you it¥“s our first cow shoplifter, Kennedy said of the unusual crime. 

狂牛病の現実だろう???? それとも盗んだ後乳牛に罪を被せるために? .

Man in cow suit robs Walmart of 26 gallons of milk

A man dressed in a cow suit managed to rob a busy Stafford, Virginia Walmart of 26 gallons of milk on Tuesday night before being nabbed by the cops.

The local news story on the crime, http://www2.insidenova.com/news/2011/apr/27/walmart-cow-suit-milk-shoplifting-ar-1000251/ style=color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; >by David Pierce at InsideNova.com, is an absolute must read. Apparently, the cow-suited criminal escaped the megastore by crawling out the doors, trying to emulate cattle. He then began handing out the stolen jugs right outside the store before making his escape, in a sort of bovine interpretation of Robin Hood.

젖소 코스프레로 우유를 훔치는...

미국에서 한 남자가 젖소의 옷을 입고(cow costume play ?) 월마트에 들어가 우유 약 26 gallon을 훔쳐 나왔다고 합니다. 

Apparently, the cow-suited criminal escaped the megastore by crawling out the doors, "trying to emulate cattle." He then began handing out the stolen jugs right outside the store before making his escape, in a sort of bovine interpretation of Robin Hood.

이 젖소 복장의 범인은 가게에서 도망칠때 소의 동작을 흉내내며 (?) 문으로 빠져나갔다고 합니다.  결국 남자는 근쳐 맥도날드에서 잡혔다고 합니다.
"I gotta tell you it"s our first cow shoplifter," Kennedy said of the unusual crime. 
담당 경찰관은 " 이번이 최초의 젖소 도둑입니다"....

광우병의 현실일까???? 아니면 훔친뒤 젖소에게 죄를 뒤집어씌우기 위해서? .

Man in cow suit robs Walmart of 26 gallons of milk

A man dressed in a cow suit managed to rob a busy Stafford, Virginia Walmart of 26 gallons of milk on Tuesday night before being nabbed by the cops.

The local news story on the crime, by David Pierce at InsideNova.com, is an absolute must read. Apparently, the cow-suited criminal escaped the megastore by crawling out the doors, "trying to emulate cattle." He then began handing out the stolen jugs right outside the store before making his escape, in a sort of bovine interpretation of Robin Hood.

TOTAL: 33812

番号 タイトル ライター 参照 推薦
24392 Ψ[ `∀´]Ψおはよう。 hisui 2011-05-26 1151 0
24391 眠られない.心配だ... Sang90 2011-05-26 1156 0
24390 go 時事版今完全大当り !! 華僑 1匹が....... johnnydorama 2011-05-25 1139 0
24389 韓国の方にお願い。教えてください....... guns2 2011-05-25 1077 0
24388 Mayuは怖くないか? Dartagnan 2011-05-25 1147 0
24387 この時期に通勤電車が止まる理由 Dartagnan 2011-05-25 1174 0
24386 また京浜東北線が止まっている hisui 2011-05-25 1094 0
24385 【朝から】明治男のエロ話【こんな....... Dartagnan 2011-05-25 1174 0
24384 これで寝ます zZZ chgjwjq 2011-05-25 1184 0
24383 audlk 2011-05-24 1095 0
24382 日本の男 Sang90 2011-05-24 1187 0
24381 6/4 国際交流遠足 mitubachi 2011-05-24 929 0
24380 韓国と日本の敬語システムの差 chgjwjq 2011-05-24 1094 0
24379 5/28韓国ワーホリ・留学座談会 mitubachi 2011-05-24 827 0
24378 re:寝苦しい夜の夢 reviver 2011-05-24 982 0
24377 私が見た韓流ドラマ(完結編) Dartagnan 2011-05-24 997 0
24376 6/5kiseki日韓交流会in東京 新大久保 mitubachi 2011-05-24 875 0
24375 5月の石鎚神社 wonperor 2011-06-18 881 0
24374 【自分で】栄転2【言うな】 Dartagnan 2011-05-23 1067 0
24373 [ホームページ製作] ホームページ, ブ....... 해피몬 2011-05-23 944 0