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A3Dfilamentdryboxisaboxwithheatersthatcandryfilamentandevaporatemoisture. It is usually with a temp sensor and a moisture sensor in it. SUNLUmakesthemostpopular3Dfilamentdryboxonthemarket.SUNLUofferstheS1,S1Plus,andS2filamentdryers.TheSUNLUS2isthemostpowerfulfilamentdryeravailable.

what is Filament Dryer?

A 3D filament dry box is a box with heaters that can dry filament and evaporate moisture. It is usually with a temp sensor and a moisture sensor in it. SUNLU makes the most popular 3D filament dry box on the market. SUNLU offers the S1, S1 Plus, and S2 filament dryers. The SUNLU S2 is the most powerful filament dryer available.

TOTAL: 33735

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