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In the field of 3D printing, PLA filament is a commonly used 3D printing material, which is suitable for FDM printing. Because PLA is an environmentally friendly material, many 3D printing material manufacturers have studied different formulas to improve and upgrade PLA, among which eSUN PLA+ filament is the most famous. So PLA vs PLA+, what is the difference between them?

Firstly, introduce two 3D printing materials respectively:

PLA is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to print and has a smooth surface. Compared with ABS, PLA filament does not need to close the cavity, has low shrinkage, does not warp, does not crack, and can print large-scale models; PLA do not have irritating odors when printing, and are safe and environmentally friendly. eSUN PLA filament has passed FDA certification and is safer to use; PLA can be used for early concept models, rapid prototyping, and metal parts casting.


PLA+ is based on the modification of PLA material, which has the characteristics of easy printing of PLA, and also improves the toughness and interlayer bonding force. PLA+ filament is an environmentally friendly material, easy to print, and the surface of the printed part is smooth; PLA+ has a balanced strength, rigidity, toughness, and strong impact resistance, which is very suitable for printing functional parts;


What are the advantages of PLA+?

Compared with traditional PLA wire, PLA+ has high toughness, high impact resistance, and the wire is not easy to be brittle. Due to the excellent printing performance, PLA+ has a wider range of applications, suitable for machinery, electronic appliances
cars etc.

eSUN PLA+ filament is one of the most popular 3D printing materials, welcome all makers to use it to develop their creativity!

What is the difference between PLA and PLA+?

In the field of 3D printing, PLA filament is a commonly used 3D printing material, which is suitable for FDM printing. Because PLA is an environmentally friendly material, many 3D printing material manufacturers have studied different formulas to improve and upgrade PLA, among which eSUN PLA+ filament is the most famous. So PLA vs PLA+, what is the difference between them?

Firstly, introduce two3D printing materialsrespectively:

PLA is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to print and has a smooth surface. Compared with ABS,PLA filamentdoes not need to close the cavity, has low shrinkage, does not warp, does not crack, and can print large-scale models; PLA do not have irritating odors when printing, and are safe and environmentally friendly. eSUN PLA filament has passed FDA certification and is safer to use; PLA can be used for early concept models, rapid prototyping, and metal parts casting.


PLA+ is based on the modification of PLA material, which has the characteristics of easy printing of PLA, and also improves the toughness and interlayer bonding force.PLA+filament is an environmentally friendly material, easy to print, and the surface of the printed part is smooth; PLA+ has a balanced strength, rigidity, toughness, and strong impact resistance, which is very suitable for printing functional parts;


What are the advantages of PLA+?

Compared with traditional PLA wire, PLA+ has high toughness, high impact resistance, and the wire is not easy to be brittle. Due to the excellent printing performance, PLA+ has a wider range of applications, suitable for machinery, electronic appliances
cars etc.

eSUN PLA+ filamentis one of the most popular 3D printing materials, welcome all makers to use it to develop their creativity!

TOTAL: 33742

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